Cheaper 2% spironolactone


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guy83 said:
make your own? How is that possible?

Dude, c'mon, everbody knows all you have to do is mix spirono with lactone :roll: :lol: .

Seriously, I think he meant make your own solution out of pills. I put 9 pills in an empty minoxidil bottle and fill it with ethyl alcohol. The pills usually dissolve by the next day.

The Gardener

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yello911 said:
Seriously, I think he meant make your own solution out of pills. I put 9 pills in an empty minoxidil bottle and fill it with ethyl alcohol. The pills usually dissolve by the next day.

The concoction works even BETTER if you toss in an eye of newt and claw of bat, chicken blood and liver of rat, put on skin and check for itch, and scream at the top of your lungs "Give me my f*****g hair back, you f*****g b**ch!"

Repeat this every night at exactly 10:10pm. You'll look like David Schwimmer by Sunday.


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The Gardener said:
yello911 said:
Seriously, I think he meant make your own solution out of pills. I put 9 pills in an empty minoxidil bottle and fill it with ethyl alcohol. The pills usually dissolve by the next day.

The concoction works even BETTER if you toss in an eye of newt and claw of bat, chicken blood and liver of rat, put on skin and check for itch, and scream at the top of your lungs "Give me my f*****g hair back, you f*****g b**ch!"

Repeat this every night at exactly 10:10pm. You'll look like David Schwimmer by Sunday.

eye of newt: DHT Inhibitor
claw of bat: Growth Strimulator
chicken blood: SOD
liver of rat: Anti-Inflammatory

You forgot Saw Palmetto.


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yello911 said:
guy83 said:
make your own? How is that possible?

Dude, c'mon, everbody knows all you have to do is mix spirono with lactone :roll: :lol: .

Seriously, I think he meant make your own solution out of pills. I put 9 pills in an empty minoxidil bottle and fill it with ethyl alcohol. The pills usually dissolve by the next day. I dont live in a lab dude. And Im sure there are alot of people dont know what spirono and lactone are.. they some form of bat wings?


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The Gardener said:
yello911 said:
Seriously, I think he meant make your own solution out of pills. I put 9 pills in an empty minoxidil bottle and fill it with ethyl alcohol. The pills usually dissolve by the next day.

The concoction works even BETTER if you toss in an eye of newt and claw of bat, chicken blood and liver of rat, put on skin and check for itch, and scream at the top of your lungs "Give me my f*****g hair back, you f*****g b**ch!"

Repeat this every night at exactly 10:10pm. You'll look like David Schwimmer by Sunday.

Gardener, is mixing spironolactone in alcohol and applying topical ineffective? If so, why?