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Can you guys let me know what you think.

Im 19 y/o and ive been on 0.5mg finasteride a day and I apply kirkland minoxidil 5% once a day at night. Ive been on the finasteride for 9 weeks but only on the minoxidil for 2 weeks. I know its too early to see results but i've been sheeding like CRAZY since week 1 of finasteride (too early to be a shed?). EVERY time i comb my hair the b*stards fall out, they just wont stop. My hairline is messed up and I have visible thinning on top (especially along the left temple). Id like to grow my hair longer but My hairline is too bad and the hair at the sides doesnt grow well at all (its dying).

Also does anyone use dermmatch? Can you recommend a colour for me? I used blonde toppik but it looks a little weird as my hair colour is more dark blonde/black ish.


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You have hair similar to mine, although mine is lighter in color. It is way to early to judge anything. However, it is great you took pictures. Best advise to you is to not look at your hair for 1 year. Stay on minoxidil, propecia, and nizoral. Good luck.


I think all you can do is stick with the finasteride and min. Because you are so young you should have a great chance of stopping your hair loss. The min should also help grow. I know what it's like going through a shed. It's happened to all of at some point. It almost seems hopeless that it will grow back.

Others and I have been assured that it will grow back. So just continue the treatment and monitor your progress. Just keep us informed and good luck....