Checking up on shedding with respect to Natural Remedy shampoos and drops


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Dear all,

I would like to ask a few questions that I have encountered while using anti-hairloss shampoos.

I have used products like NIRVEL Complex Hair Loss Control 30ml for 3 months, Medavita Shampoo K02 Peeling anti-dandruff pH 6.5, and Nirvel Anti-hair loss shampoo since 22nd January 2013, until now, and to be honest, I haven't seen any effects, just further loss at the temples. At first loss had ceased for like 3 weeks and then I started losing tiny hairs. some of which, if I recall correctly has their roots stuck.

Is this a normal occurance with anti-hairloss products?
Am i passing through a shedding phase?
Are the products I mentioned above reliable?
Do anti-hairloss products help in regrowth of temples and such?

This is my story -

First two weeks I started using Medavita Shampoo K02 Peeling anti-dandruff pH 6.5. A prewash that lasted around 5 minutes, followed by another normal wash with the same product. lastly by NIRVEL Complex Hair Loss Control 30ml was applied in drops. This was done once everyday.

Then I bought the shampoo by Nirvel Anti-hair loss shampoo and started using it in conjunction with the other shampoo, in other words, I used the Nirvel Shampoo everyday, however on Monday Wednesday and Friday I switched to the Medavita one. The drops were kept for everyday. After like 2 weeks, I started losing like 1cm hairs, and the itching from hairloss started occurring again, and asked the beautician why this was happening, and she told me to use the Nirvel Shampoo for less, i.e. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only.

Now, like 2 weeks ago, I realised that my temple 'bald' area had noticeably increased, where left is more affected than the right. Now, was this a sudden shedding? Is shedding normal to occur so suddenly, like in a matter of days? or is this a normal process? i.e. small hairs and then increase in baldness? Is it temporary? Is the bald patch going away sometime soon? You can imagine how my self esteem dropped, as I am only a 21 year old guy.

Lastly, I was advised to take the Medavita medamen antihairloss instead of the NIRVEL Complex Hair Loss Control 30ml, in conjuction to the Nirvel Shampoo and the Nirvel Capillary Peeling Shampoo. I started using the Nirvel Capillary Peeling shampoo as the Medavita Shampoo K02 Peeling anti-dandruff pH 6.5 finished and is out of stock.
