Chest pain


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I just started Proscar a week ago and I can feel some side-effects, like greasy skin, dizziness, the worst being the chest pain in the heart area, should I stop? I can bear it if it can stop my hairloss, but I would like to know, is the chest pain dangerous? Is it temporary?

Is there a correlation between side-effects and effectiveness?

I am concerned about that chest pain thing, it bothers me.


Stop immediatlely

Go see your doctor immediatlely.

You may be able to go back on finasteride but at a lower dose.

Finasteride remains effective against male pattern baldness right down to 0.2mg.

Good Luck


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Damn, is this true?

If I can't take Finasteride then I am fked! Is the chest pain that dangerous?

Another question: If Finasteride is still effective at 0.2 mg, why does everyone still take 1mg? I guess it's a cutting problem.


fred said:
Damn, is this true?

Is what true?

fred said:
If I can't take Finasteride then I am fked!

I have not said you cannot take finateride.

fred said:
Is the chest pain that dangerous?

Any chest pains are dangerous!

fred said:
Another question: If Finasteride is still effective at 0.2 mg, why does everyone still take 1mg? I guess it's a cutting problem.

0.2mg is only slightly less effective than 1mg at reducing DHT, but has less side effects,

2.5mg is only slightly more effective than 1mg at reducing DHT, but has more side effects,

1mg is seen as a good compromise dose.


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tynanW said:
I have not said you cannot take finateride.
Well, you said "Stop immediatly", which is what I'll do.
tynanW said:
Any chest pains are dangerous!
Ok, that scares me quite a bit, what do chest pains mean? Heart attack? :freaked: No seriously, will everything go back to normal once I stop? Or can it be more serious?
Something weird is that chest pain is a side-effect usually attributed to Minoxidil rather than Finasteride, I do not see any "chest pain" in the side effects list of Finasteride... Is there anyone here who had that experience with Proscar?

I guess I am gonna stop for a while. That sucks, I was really looking forward Proscar.

Is there anyone around here taking 0.2 mg finasteride daily? How do you manage to get 0.2 mg finasteride?


fred said:
Well, you said "Stop immediatly", which is what I'll do.

Get your doctor to check out the chest pains (and other symptoms)

fred said:
Any chest pains are dangerous!
Ok, that scares me quite a bit, what do chest pains mean? Heart attack? :freaked: No seriously, will everything go back to normal once I stop? Or can it be more serious?

Chest pains could mean many things from angina to indegestion, I doubt you will collapse from a heart attack, but to be safe get it checked out.

If the symptoms are from finasteride they will very likely dissapear after stopping finasteride or reducing the dose.

fred said:
I guess I am gonna stop for a while.

You may not have to stop if your doctor says it is ok to continue.

fred said:
That sucks, I was really looking forward Proscar.

I hope you are not taking the whole Proscar tablet?

fred said:
Is there anyone around here taking 0.2 mg finasteride daily? How do you manage to get 0.2 mg finasteride?

0.2mg would be one part of a Propecia tablet cut into five pieces or
0.2mg would be one part of a Proscar tablet cut into twenty-five pieces
:)freaked: which would be nearly impossible to achieve!)

don't panic, you will more than likely be fine and will be able to continue using your Proscar, but to be safe go get your self checked out.


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tynanW said:
If the symptoms are from finasteride they will very likely dissapear after stopping finasteride or reducing the dose.
Well, in the side effects list of Finasteride, I do not see "chest pain", so I was justly wondering if it had something to do with the Proscar since it is a side effect rather attributed to Minoxidil.
tynanW said:
I hope you are not taking the whole Proscar tablet?
No, no :) I actually have 140 "preparation pills" of 1mg Proscar made by the pharmacist, I hope they are not crap.
tynanW said:
don't panic, you will more than likely be fine and will be able to continue using your Proscar, but to be safe go get your self checked out.
Ok, thanks for the advice.


Established Member
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fred : The scary thing is that i had chest pain after 6 months of propecia it was like hell. I was afraid if i had a heart problem. I do not havce a chest pain now , i start using proscar (finasterid) the first month though im waiting ...