Chest Pains as a side effect???


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Hi, I'm a 33 year old male who has used Rogaine in the past. I stopped using it about two years ago after 10 months because I was getting minor muscle pains in my left chest area and suspected that Rogaine might of been a contributing factor. After stopping the treatment I felt that the pains decreased. Knowing that the Rogaine was helping me with my hair loss it was hard just to sit here and watch my hair get thinner. After a few months I started to question my belief that Rogaine could actually be causing me those pains and tried it again for a couple of nights and sure enough I felt the pains come back. I've read on the box that if you have chest pains to stop the treatment, but not thinking the pains are too severe I am not sure on what to do. If the product was not helping me than it would be an easy decision, but since it has helped I find myself torn. My doctor said the dose in Rogaine (5%) was too low to cause any problems, but I don't have complete faith in his opinion. Is it possible that Rogaine could be causing or contributing to these pains? Any help or suggustions would really mean a lot.




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Sure its possible, have you thought of using less than the recommended amount? You can test this out, if you get the same pains again then you will have to drop it. Possibly an alternative to this would be Nano shampoo, it is a natural form of minoxidil and may be helpful. Another substitute may be the Apple Poly Solution or even Revivogen. No sides with any of this stuff.

One other suggestion, have you tried the 2% Rogaine, this might work without the sides.