Chest Pains


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I tried Rogaine 5% which was causing some itching and irritation. I was on this for about 3 months. I then switched to Dr. Lee's Minoxidil 6%-Plus and then I started to have chest pains more like pressure that radiated into my neck area. I was checked out by dr by having ekg and exray but they said there was nothing wrong. It took about a month for the pressure to go away. During the pressure I didn't have any loss of energy or the pressure didn't increase with exercise but I did stop.

Scared to retry. What do you think the pressure was from? Would this be from the Rogaine forumula? Or do I have something medical which was flaired up by product?


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I had a few seconds of chest pain during a minoxidil overdose, which occurred after 3 months use like you. The chest pain was nothing, but the three days of pounding heart beat was a b**ch. But yeah, nothing this stuff causes would surprise me anymore.


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For what it's worth, a few months ago I convinced myself I was having a heart attack.

It was in the middle of a quite heavy training session and I suddenly had tight pains in my chest which spread to my shoulder and upper arm, it literally took my breath away. I was also sure I could feel an irregular heart beat (even though the Polar I was wearing showed it was steady).

I was driven hurriedly to the A&E and hooked up to an EKG, apparently I looked very flushed and there was quite a lot of excitement and drama with various people being called.

Turns it it was nothing more than a bit of cramp; the EKG showed no problems what-so-ever and I had probably just pushed a little to hard in the session.

The moral of the story, in these days of the interwebs even the most rational of us can convince ourselves we're dying from one thing or an other, also, as we get older we seem to become more aware of little aches and pains.

Of course, it's better to be safe than sorry. Getting regular health checks can only be a good idea :)