
Chickened out picking up my propecia prescription...


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So I've been going to the same Wal-Mart Pharmacy for about 2 years to refill my propecia script. Usually it is older/middle aged women who work the register and while it's a bit embarrassing it's definitely not bad.

Yesterday, however, I went after work and there was a 20-something, balding dude (head shaved) working the register. I just turned around and left. I didn't want this young, balding dude to know I was picking up propecia (I'm 28 years old btw). I came back the next morning and got the older woman again.

I know it's pretty ridiculous but there is just this terrible stigma associated with propecia. Before I came to these boards I thought it was snake oil too, but I've educated myself and know more about hair loss and hair loss meds than most pharmacists probably.

Everytime I pick it up at the pharmacy they always ask "you know how expensive this is right?" like I'm crazy for taking it. I think most people frown upon anyone taking a drug to combat hair loss. I think it's also bizarre that my insurance won't cover that but it will cover my adderall prescription which is amphetamine/schedule 2 narcotic and very dangerous and habit forming.

Another time I got an older pharmacist (mid 30s) who was noticeably balding and he asks me "does this stuff really work?" with a whole line of people behind me. Awkward! I need to just start carrying around biz cards for!


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Ten years ago when I first started using Propecia and Rogaine I felt the same way,
I even used to get a two month supply to avoid going every month.
Then I realized that there are probably at least a hundred guys a month buying them and the people who work at my Rite Aid don't even give it a second thought.
Think about it there are a lot of medications that could cause more
embarrassment when someone picks them up.
(erectile dysfunction, Incontinence, the list goes on and on)
They always ask me do I know the price of the medicine but I think that's because they are used to people using insurance to cover other meds.
My opinion is if it's working for you then who cares what they think.


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They're saying the thing about the price because you're buying an expensive drug when you could get a prescription for Proscar which is the same drug in higher dosage and much, much cheaper.


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Most people don't know what it is especially if it is proscar, they think it is something for BPH.


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I can sympathise with that treeshrew, confident and self assured as I am, there are still times when I just don't feel comfortable in certain situations.

I usually manage to "suck it down" and get through them, but it's not always easy. Little things like the guy at the counter asking if it works can really unsettle you. There is a saying which goes along the lines of "a whisper is like a shout to the guilty". It means that when you're already anxious about a situation, something like the guy at the till asking you about it can make things seem 100 times worse.

As Obsidian just said, the chances are most people in the queue didn't know what the drugs were or what they were supposed to do, most may not have even been listening. Just try to keep perspective and take a deep breath.

Still though, that can be easier said than done.


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Yeah, it really doesn't bother me that much.. finasteride has been a miracle drug for me, totally stopped my hair loss in its tracks so I'm willing to undergo the slight social discomfort of picking up the script.

I'm aware Proscar is the cheaper option, I guess I'm just somewhat superstitious since Propecia's been working so well for me and I don't want to jinx anything!

There are other "embarrassing" drugs like 2nd poster mentions above, but I still feel like there's something unique about Propecia. Like it's a vanity thing, or that people should feel shameful for "fighting nature" etc.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this with the community. I remember delaying my original derm appointment because of the awkwardness but I'm really glad I moved forward with it and encourage anyone considering propecia to give it a try.


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I totally understand where you're coming from...

I'm also always buying propecia at the same pharmacy more or less everytime. The only exception is when there is a young dude about my age (27) with blooming NW1 hair and I just feel to vain to buy a hair loss drug from him. I always just turn around like I forgot something and go to the other pharmacy. :whistle:


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My God, man up guys. You seriously need to stop caring so much about what other people think.


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When I was picking up propecia, I would just use the drive thru. I made sure the pharmacy I went to had one, so I wouldn't have to be "seen" in public. The drive through really made things easier for me.

I think you can also get meds mailed to you now. Also a choice that dosent require being seen in public.


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Treeshrew, I can TOTALLY relate. Wal-mart pharmacists are completely rude- people don't want to talk about their meds or their ailments in a public place with someone who may very well spread the word to their coworkers and have a laugh. I don't mean 'rude' in the sense that they're mean to you, as they are only trying to make conversation, but some people (like myself) DON'T want to talk about it.

When I went to pick up my 5mg finasteride ($9 for 4 months worth of finasteride!) the lady at the counter was giving me all these questions because it was for "older men", but I was forced to tell her that finasteride was used for hair loss too. It was so embarrassing, even if it was a pharmacist- it may as well have been some stranger on the street.

I miss Walgreens. The most you get is "Hi, how are you, oh I like sour candy too" and they send you on your way.


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treeshrew said:
Yeah, it really doesn't bother me that much.. finasteride has been a miracle drug for me, totally stopped my hair loss in its tracks so I'm willing to undergo the slight social discomfort of picking up the script.

I'm aware Proscar is the cheaper option, I guess I'm just somewhat superstitious since Propecia's been working so well for me and I don't want to jinx anything!

It's the SAME DRUG ! nothing can or will change getting finasteride from Walmart except you will save about $900 a year.