CHildhood Alopecia areata


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I blogged a few weeks ago and the server may not accepted it when I initially registered. I'm sorry for the duplication. I'm Mom to Cristian, age 3 with Down Syndrome. He's a very healthy little boy, attending Pre-K for 3 year olds, learning sign language in his deaf ed program. The last 9 months have been a little awkward. I initially thought the hair loss was due to one of his school friends yanking the crap out of his hair. Not so. We've seen a dermatologist and they diagnosed him with alopecia areata. We don't want the steroid shots or creams (we were told don't really work.) ONe suggestion from another mom of child with DS (from their dr.) was to put poison ivy on the hair loss cause a reaction to the hair follicles....ever heard of this actually done and it worked? How crazy is that?
Another suggestion was to wash his head with apple cider vinegar? Why?
Another suggestion was to put castor oil on the spots? I Know this is a home remedy, but haven't found much info on it. Please help. We are finding more bald spots.
Please help anyway that you can. Thank you. Ariana


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the apple sider one i heard but if i were you i would google onion juice and garlic rub it on his head it worked for a friend of mine and it takes time but it really works


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Thank you. how often? what did they do about the smell? What shampoo is best for their delicate scalp? I have more questions! Sorry. =)


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aruiz6 said:
Thank you. how often? what did they do about the smell? What shampoo is best for their delicate scalp? I have more questions! Sorry. =)

which shampoo is best i honestly wouldnt know

but its a pain rubbing the garlic and onion on his head because of the smell but you could just use a scented shampoo after that


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The poison ivy person was on to something. A dermatologist can prescribe a topical treatment called DCP that activates an allergic reaction at the site & "tricks" the immune system that is attacking the hair. Ask you physician. We are currently using this yet with minimal regrowth at 8 weeks.