Chinese Black Tea reduces DHT by 72%.. Increases Test by 30%


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(Mice treated with black tea tended to have a greater serum testosterone concentration (34.4%, P = 0.50) and had a 72% lower DHT concentration than controls (P < 0.05), suggesting that black tea may contain components that inhibit the activity of 5-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to the more bioactive DHT. Green tea tended to increase serum testosterone and DHT levels by 73.8% (P = 0.14) and 194% (P = 0.076), respectively. The combination of SPC and green tea reduced serum levels of DHT (P < 0.05). )

If mice were getting 15g/day, the equivalent for a human would be:

Human dose: 3(mouse HED)/36(human HED) * 15g/day

Translated dose = 1.25g/day

So by reducing DHT they increased testosterone, DHT is a powerful androgen that helps with nitrogen retention, fat burning, male attributes like aggression and strong libido and also antagonizes estrogen.

If DHT drops, Test ups, then estrogen is going to skyrocket, imo.
CONCLUSION: DHT has importance in some ways, but if your not a bodybuilder and are so concerned about your hair then this will be of great concern.


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1.25 grams worth of black tea. Is that a lot? How many cups is that? Sounds too good to be true. Tea has other benefits as well.


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It depends on the density of the substance, everything is different.

But Id say 1ml water is equivalent 1g


New Member
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Interesting.. but if 1.25 gram was for a mice how much would that be for a human. And where to buy the correct bio-active soy and how much of each.

This could be a good way to end and start the day(mornring and evening drinking).


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These experiments with green and black tea and DHT reduction in mice are mildly interesting, but come on, people, are you really going to simply _assume_ that the very same thing happens in humans, too? :)


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If mice were getting 15g/day, the equivalent for a human would be:

Human dose: 3(mouse HED)/36(human HED) * 15g/day

Translated dose = 1.25g/day

how can that be right. if mice get 15 grams, shouldn't we need like 100x that
so like 1.5 kgs?

i understand we have different metabolic rates, but it doesnt sound right to me.


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What's the point...we have two drugs that do exactly the same: finasteride & dutasteride.....


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zayin said:
What's the point...we have two drugs that do exactly the same: finasteride & dutasteride.....

I don't even think that green and black teas do the same thing as finasteride and dutasteride. If drinking tea had any effect at all on DHT production in the human body, don't people think we would have all heard about it long ago?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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My Regimen
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I've drank about 4 to 5 cups of black tea everyday for the past 10 years. So do a lot of people here. I guess the dosage much be a lot more or else this is bullshit.


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My Regimen
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Maybe Chinese black tea is different than normal black tea. Regardless, the average mouse weighs what? 20grams? The average male weighs... 60-70 kilos? She that's a 3000 x difference

I did read recently though, that green tea can cause androgen receptor downregulation... Interesting if true...