Chinese herbs


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Hello guys:

I know Chinese herbs or medicine is not scientific proven, but I do want to share some of my words here.

Whenever I drink alcohol, my face will not turn red but pale. I have tons of pimples on my face, even though I eat heathly (most of them are just boiled). I am very thin, 120pounds but with 5 feet 10.

Chines doctors said that my liver and pancreas are not strong because these are for cleaning waste in the blood system. My blood circulation is bad and hence pale face after alcohol consumption. Bad circulation also caused hairroot to have less nutrient, and hence hair lost gradually.

Currently I am drinking Chinese herbs to increase blood circulation. I highly dobut at first. However, since Procepia or Rogaine both have side effects, I guess let's give Chinese herbs a shoot....maybe i would get food poison from those herbs (some of them are leaves, roots of a plant and so on.....but you put all of them in a pot and boil into soup to drink), but I guess it's better than not trying and let my hair gone.

So after 2 weeks, hair has not grown yet, but my hair did stop falling as much as before. I am not sure is it because I sleep more or because I use a different hair shampoo(currently using Garnier Fructis is cheap but it is especially for lifeless hair like i have).

My doctor said that my current chinese herbs will help to grow red blood cell, which aims to create more blood in the circulation. It takes time to increase blood flow, maybe 1 to 2 months. I am not sure would it work, but at least, it did stop hair falling at this current moment.

For people who has to see Jesus before they believe in God, I know chinese herbs is not even an option at all. But for people who dare to try and refuse to lose sex life or rely on Rogaine for the rest of life, think about it.

PS: be really really careful on chosing Chinese doctors. I realize a lot of them are fake or money sucker. I am lucky that all Chinese doctors in my country need to take a government examination before they would get license.


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The liver is one of the keys to great health. You may want to look into liver cleansing on I am a firm beliver in getting the organs to work at their optimum level. Otherwise we follow the path of continued medication, hey its not like our bodies chose this path. We did. Of course most tell you that food cannot affect your health or hair loss. Yet they reccomend propecia. Not much difference between propecia and and candy bar besides its affect on the body.

Best of luck with any cleansing you choose to do on your liver.


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sublime said:
Not much difference between propecia and and candy bar besides its affect on the body.

Not much difference between a girl and a boy besides boys having a slinky.


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I was speaking about putting things in your mouth and eating it. Hopefully you are not making the same reference.


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As per my regieme.

I did Accupunture, with chinese herbs and teas and spend several hundred pounds. Took loads of time making thoses teas every day too.

It did nothing for my hair and I have not been right since....suffer from lack of energy.....They the same to me my body is out of energies are not right etc etc...well 4 months of treatment and alot of cash and I now have less hair and less energy than when I started the Chinese.

I then took Saw Palmetto then Proc**in for a few months and that didn't work either.

None of the natural stuff worked.

Now i'm doing meds and they're not working either..Now i'm on Dutas the king of DHT blockers..if this doesn't work then its shiny dome time


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Maybe your liver is functioning very poorly as well as your digestive tract. It might be why those things are not working for you. Something to consider.


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Well, i think Chinese herbs only work for making your organs stronger. It wouldn't make your hair grow immediately.

To me, I would treat hair growth as a bonus. But it makes sense to me that if you have better blood cycle, you have more nutrient in your head and hence more hair. Also, stronger organ helps you to clean out dirt in the system.

Nick...I don't know why herbs make you bad....i think your chinese doctor has some problems by giving you the wrong medicine. Indeed, i think there are many fake Chinese doctors.


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I believe my Chinese doctor was very good, she was chinese and spoke no english and had assistant interpretter and all the points you raise about bloodflow etc she said almost word for word. She explained all the herbs and reasons for them so I was always confident in her.

They did recommend the 101 shampoo and ointment also.

The positive I found was that I lost some more weight and despite what I eat and I never seem to put any more on..weird. So I think something changed in my body due to the treatments.

It just did nothing for my hair as I continued to lose and have done ever since..still looking to stop it. I'm afraid its in my genes to lose my hair and only the stronger drugs are going to do it..and so far not even they are working. I went the herb route cos I did not want to do the drugs but as times gone on I have no choice.

There's nothing wrong with trying the Chinese route but its expensive and may be only beneficial to other functions of your body.

Some people respond well and some don' I have 3 friends who tried it for back problems and it never worked yet there are many that get huge benefit from accupuncture and the herbs..


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hey nick i m sorry to hear your negative response to the herb.

Do u sleep more and earlier, and also wake up earlier? I heard that sun in the morning has some valuable vitamin that you cannot find in any food. LIving style has a big effect in your hair growth.

And do you have blood circulation problem? LIke a pale face after drinking? If not, personally....i dont' think chinese medicine would work since your body organs are functioning normal. It works for me b'cos i just party too much when i was young and hence i lost all the energy.

I heard youngster who lost hair early means they have used up all the body energy .....and chinese medicine helps to restore that energy gradually.


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This reminds me of these Chinese herbal combos out there specifically for hair(although they mention liver etc health) Hair Million is one..would have to look up the others again.