Chino's story


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Hey guys, I've been posting on here for a while now, so just thought I'd add my story to here.

I first noticed a lot of shedding when I was 18 after I started uni, it got me down as I was loosing lots of unpigmented shorter hairs, and my hair was quite long. My dad is a Nw7 so it was like a worst nightmare was finally revealing itself. This was in 2004, in 2005 i started using nioxin, which didn't do anything apart from dry my hair out. Then i quit and until febuary 2006 i did nothing, which brings me to now.

I've been using finasteride since febuary, finpecia until september then switched to proscar. I also slowly increased the dosage, which was a complete waste of time lol. I've also been using 5% topical spironolactone creme and have recently added in some tricomin, I used nizoral but it reeeally dries out my hair and causes my head to itch, and possibly increases shed so I've recently stopped that.

Well, what to say about my hair... The pics on my website from baseline are reeeeally worthless, I didnt take pics of the worst case scenario which is a big mistake, or maybe I did and my hair was a lot better then... Now when my hair is wet you can see scalp throughout, when it is dry you can see through my hair at some places. It appears that I am thinning diffusely across the top of my head from the crown to hairline. It's not like it's very bad, but I cant spike it up or anything, i just have to let it flop down which is not at allhow it used to be. It's like it completely lacks fullness and life throughout.

Since being on finasteride, I have shed continuously, probably about 50 hairs a day. I have not seen much regrowth, but I do have a few more hairs at my left temple and possibly a few more at the right. But now my problem is that it is maybe a bit thinner than it was before on top,which is not at all what I expected before i started finasteride! I've posted some pictures onto my website, but none of them are current, they are from august when i buzzed my hair to either 1/2 or 3/4 inch, I don't remember, but I'd say that's pretty much how my hair looks now if i buzzed it to that again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my hair's terrible, but I shed a lot and I do think it's a bit thinner across the top, and you can see through to the scalp when I look in a mirror at some places even when my hairs over an inch.

So I'm confused about what to do now, I'm going to continue using tricomin once a day, but should I add minoxidil?? I'm only 20, shouldn't I be keeping minoxidil for later in case I need it?


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I'm now the proud owner of 4 cans of rogaine foam...

I was just wondering if people would suggest that i start rogaine, just for use on the temples,or not?


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Use the rogaine, it is your friend.


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Hey Harry! Yeah, I started the foam this morning, posted over at hlh about it. Gotta say I love it!!


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Hey guys, check out my new updated pics on my personal webpage. I don't know how to post pics here so that's the best I can do, sorry.

I've been using rogaine on myhairline and temples since november the 1st, then started also using it on the area above the crown since 10th december or something, and started it on the area behind the hairline on 1st January.

The combination of rogaine and finasteride does seem to have thickened my hairline up a bit, and also has produced new growth on the temples/hairline which is vellus/terminal and I'm hopeful it will get better as I'm only 3 months into rogaine! :D


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chino20 said:
Hey guys, check out my new updated pics on my personal webpage. I don't know how to post pics here so that's the best I can do, sorry.

I've been using rogaine on myhairline and temples since november the 1st, then started also using it on the area above the crown since 10th december or something, and started it on the area behind the hairline on 1st January.

The combination of rogaine and finasteride does seem to have thickened my hairline up a bit, and also has produced new growth on the temples/hairline which is vellus/terminal and I'm hopeful it will get better as I'm only 3 months into rogaine! :D

Nice hair you lucky SOB, looks like your regimen is working great. All you have to worry about is maintaining. Your hair looks in too good of shape to worry about needing regrowth


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Haha, cheers WoW. Yeah, although the pics don't quite show the full story as it was also a bit diffuse across the top, but I've added the foam in those areas recently, and it's a bit early to say what the foam has done there.

So far loving foam and finasteride! Really hope that new people to this forum don't get scared off by some things that they read!


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In my medical opinion, you are definitely making some great progress mate. Keep up the good work. I would say you are on your way to a Norward Socks. :lol: