I have been diognosed with chronic prostatitis/pelvic syndrome. I have never taken finasteride but I've been thinking about it since I am now a nw3. My Dr. says finsteride is often used to treat none-bacterial chronic prostatitis so shouldn't I give it a try? I am just so scared of the sexual problems and ED since I laready have some ED issues. Actually my doctor told me that low libido and ED can often be a symptom of chronis none-bacterial prostatitis so does that mean I might actually fix my ED if I take finasteride? That just doesn't sound right. I also have the yellowish semen and my dr. says that's a sign of an enlarged prostate and finasteride can help. In fact sometimes when people stop taking finasteride, they can get chronic prostatitis and yellow semen and ED. So what should I do? Has anyone heard about people with prostatitis taking finasteride and actually reversed sexual problems??