Choosing Between Usa Vs European hair transplant


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Hi guys, so I've had a hair transplant in both the U.S. and in Turkey and I have to say, my experience in Turkey was so much better.
Firstly, let's start with my hair transplant in the U.S.A. I went with Dr.Feller as his reviews seemed fairly decent and I was eager to just get something done with my hair. I got in touch with someone named Spex who knows Dr.Feller well and offers some advice on options. He was pretty helpful but I also felt I was bothering him with questions before I went to Dr.Feller to get the actual hair transplant. The hair transplant itself was in the region of 2500grafts at a cost of around 11,000 dollars (there or there about). The surgery itself was good, the follow up care wasn't so good. Didn't really hear much from the clinic but anyway, such is life.
As hair loss naturally progresses and inevitably I needed another hair transplant, I decided to look elsewhere. I kept coming across a lot of great reviews from Turkish clinics although I'd been told previously that they weren't up to standard. Well I can 100percent guarantee that they are not only up to standard, but they are much more thorough with pre and post care. (I felt the actual procedure was the same standard as Dr.Fellers). But this was the main thing for me- It's at a fraction of the cost- I paid 3000euro total and that was including 3 nights in a 5 star hotel. They collect you and drop you off at the hotel. You can't really ask for more than that. So basically I'm writing this to offer my advice- if I was to go again- I wouldn't look any further than Turkey (my doctor was dr.Cinik). Feel free to private message me for any further questions. I'd be delighted to help. I think the procedures in the west are a bit of a rip off to be honest especially for what you get. But this is all just my point of view. At the end of the day, I wish you well wherever you go. Thanks