Cioteronel Another Ru58841? Stopped Development In 1989...


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edit!!! ive a lot of a contacts on alibaba I'll TRY get a quote on this after more research, specifically why it failed phase 3. shouldn't matter too much. getting to phase 3 is no mean feat. by the way for anyone into noo-tropics NSI-189 failed phase 2 sigh.
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edit!!! ive a lot of a contacts on alibaba I'll TRY get a quote on this after more research, specifically why it failed phase 3. shouldn't matter too much. getting to phase 3 is no mean feat. by the way for anyone into noo-tropics NSI-189 failed phase 2 sigh.
I’m sorry for the ignorance, but this stuff is stronger than RU? And what is the dalton weight? Solubility? Hmmmmm


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Be good to know how much of any could cross the bbb when administered topically.
Gonna have a look myself now.


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More dubious antiandrogens. When will it end?

Only LEGIT darolutamide is even worth using at this point. Anything that goes into the brain = huge sides. Even Darolutamide probably won't be usable for some.

RU gives me so much f*****g brain fog and the sh*t lasts for 24 hours, so much for 2 hour half life LOL. Doesn't stop my hair loss either, of course.

I'm sick of all these bullshit antiandrogens. Barbaric.