Clinical Studies on the role of 5 Alpha Reducatase in Mediating Testosterone Actions


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Has anyone found the results on these:


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Ok...I've been catching up on my theory...My common sense has been telling me that hammering the 5 alpha enzyme to control DHT could be of concern...Doing some research, there is strong evidence that this enzyme has other functions to carry out, namely in the brain....Also, there are studies that finasteride and dutasteride don't only act on 5 alpha exclusively, but on other enzymes that are important metabolites...

....Shouldn't it be easier to attack DHT directly than to go at it via 5-alpha??? I think it is and I think the drug companies know how to do it but they can't patent it or make money off of it...


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Sure...but it still has to react with DHT, which would make the topical very selective....from what I gather RU is powerful at doing this, but it might not be DHT-selective and cause other systematic effects..

...but back to finasteride and 5-alpha -- it is interesting that finasteride has shown that side-effects can reveal themselves after a few years of usage...undoubtedly this has something to do with 5-alpha and not DHT itself...the real game seems to be the balance between testosterone and estrogen and that is regulated by 5-alpha

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topical Equol seems like something that would be even more effective