Clobetasol Propenate & Hydrocortesone


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As of today, June 8th 2009, I am going to use Clobetasol Propenate every day for 2 weeks and then drop to 2x/week and supplement hydrocortisone for the other 5 days. I use Clobetasol Propenate in the AM and wash it out in the PM. Wouldn't want to sleep with it in my hair since getting it in your eyes prolly isn't the best idea since it can cause cataracts.

I figure since I shaved my head last night again, no reason not to throw in some topicals too.


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1 week down and 1 week to go. In all fairness, I missed 2 days last week, but I don't think it's a big deal.


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The 2 weeks are up, but after reading a bit more on other boards about CP, I'm going to keep using it...Only I'm going to add in Retin-A to the mix too. Retin-A boosts collagen production and makes your skin look younger, so I figure it'll counteract any damage the CP may do...Plus, Retin-A has a few studies where it regrew hair...And it also makes topicals penetrate easier.


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I guess for this to be a true experiment, I should list the other things that I use too and tell what Norwood I am.
I currently am a 2.5 or a NW3. My crown has shown signs of very, very minimal thinning for the last 2 years, but no one else would notice unless they were a couple inches from my head and I pointed it out to them. For the last 2 years, I have been maintaining on just Nizoral, Zinc shampoo & finasteride.

Current regimen
AM: Wash hair with Zinc Shampoo (DHS Shampoo contains Pyrithione Zinc 2%)
AM: Apply Clobetasol Propenate to temples/NW2 area and crown
AM: 5mg finasteride M/W/F
AM: (to be added in tomorrow) Apply Retin-A to temples/crown/NW2 area in combo with the Clobetasol

PM: Wash hair with Nizoral - 2 or 3x/week
PM: Dermaroller - 0.75mm version 2x/week (just started this again last week). Days where I dermaroll, it's done after the Nizoral is washed out of my hair.
PM: Grapefruit Seed Extract (liquid version) - applied to whole head after Nizoral/dermaroller. Left on for 10 min and rinsed out.

I also drink 32oz of water with 20 drops of GFSE in it in the AM too.

I just took pix with my cell and I'll host em with photobucket later tonight. They're not the greatest, but they're better than nothing. I figure that since my hair's only 1/4cm long, we will be able to see any difference.


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I am quite encouraged by Clobetasol Propenate so far. In the right lighting, I can see new tiny white hairs sprouting from my NW2 area. I have no clue if they'll darken or if they'll grow longer than a few mm, but it would seem that the Clobetasol is working.

I have not added Retin-A yet.


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amsch said:
You don't take anastrazol anymore?

Nope. Haven't taken Anastrozole in probably a year now. I have been thinking about getting back on it...Or maybe getting on Tamoxifen again since I'm back to lifting weights though.


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Harie said:
amsch said:
You don't take anastrazol anymore?

Nope. Haven't taken Anastrozole in probably a year now. I have been thinking about getting back on it...Or maybe getting on Tamoxifen again since I'm back to lifting weights though.
Hm, I thought you were taking it because of estrogen related side effects (gyno n' stuff)?

Have you ever done bloodtests? May I ask you how old you are?


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amsch said:
Harie said:
amsch said:
You don't take anastrazol anymore?

Nope. Haven't taken Anastrozole in probably a year now. I have been thinking about getting back on it...Or maybe getting on Tamoxifen again since I'm back to lifting weights though.
Hm, I thought you were taking it because of estrogen related side effects (gyno n' stuff)?

Have you ever done bloodtests? May I ask you how old you are?

I was taking it for estrogen sides, but those went away after my body normalized it's self.
I know I'm a hypocrite, but I've never done bloodtests...At least not one that measured test/DHT/estrogen/prolactin. My insurance sucks and doesn't cover that type of test and doesn't cover hormone treatments unless you're a woman. I felt burning and pain in my nipples, so I hopped on an AI (later changed to a SERM).
I am 32


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Im interested.. how is the clob/hydro mix going for you?

how often are you applying it?


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patagonia said:

Im interested.. how is the clob/hydro mix going for you?

how often are you applying it?

I am using it 1 week on and 1 week off. Decided not to use Hydrocortisone and just stick with Clobetasol instead. I am still planning on getting some Retin-A to add to the mix, but want to see how far I can get on just Clobetasol by it's self.

I know this is going to sound unbelievable, but I've got tons of vellus hairs at the hairline...And a few of em are starting to get longer than a milimeter. Who knows if they'll keep growing, but the hairs I'm getting that are starting to get a bit longer are a good 1/4 inch below my current hair line.


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I am definitely getting stoked on Clobetasol Propenate. Been using it for 2 months now and those vellus hairs that I was getting a month ago are starting to get longer and thicker. They're not terminal yet, but they're heading that direction.

Once I hit the 3 month mark on Clobetasol, I'm gona add in some Retin-A to see if I can kick this regrowth into overdrive!


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I have some clobetasol sitting around.

I'm going to jump on this band wagon and report back in a month.

Not sure what dosage to go with though.. Just a tiny bit on the temples every night?


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shadowRX said:
Not sure what dosage to go with though.. Just a tiny bit on the temples every night?

That's pretty much what I've been doing. Just using it on the problem areas.


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The Retin-A just came in the mail yesterday and I started applying it this morning in combo with Clobetasol Propecia.

I applied the Retin-A a minute before the Clobetasol. Don't know if it matters if I mix em, or apply separately...Prolly doesn't matter.