Cloprostenol - Helpful Or Harmful?


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Does anyone have any experience with cloprostenol? Theoretically it should be an effective regrowth agent as pgf2a agonist, but I haven't seen any rave reviews.

I also read a forum post on HLH where a poster stated cloprostenol has a higher affinity for the crth2 receptors than pgf2a. However, the poster did not provide sources so I have no idea if his statement was valid or not.

If this was the case, wouldn't blocking the receptors (with something like OC or TM) BEFPRE applying the cloprostenol still provide the pgf2a benefits without the crth2 agonism?

Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts


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I tried it for a while. I don't think it helped any.


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Thanks for the response. Just curious, did you try the Iron Dragon stuff or did you mix it yourself? I'm thinking the ID Clop is VERY under dosed based on user reports I've read. Did you use it in conjunction with anything?


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What was your dose per day?

Could be the dose was too low. I am keeping a lot of notes on chemicals. I have a note with my calculation to 1mg per day.
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I think it's 50mcg/ml.

A month back I asked 5 sellers on Alibaba for a price quote on Cloprostenol. It was between 400 - 585 USD per gram including (30 tot 40 USD) shipping from China to Europe.