closing on 6 month, does it get any better?


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Hey guys ! well i'm nearing my 6 month mark.. only about a week away i'll hopefully be able to post some pics.

I am still losing around 40-50 strands of hair in the shower everyday I shower... I'm seeing more and more thin hair all over my hands..
also the front of my hair has thinned too.

Before I started on finasteride it was just my vertex and temples that were showing scalp. Now its all over the top.

So here is the question.. has any of you experienced finasteride users, went through sheds that signficantly thinned out all your hair.. and didn't really see any regrowth till after month 6 or 7?

I mean isin't it time for me to know now wether its working or not?
I wouldn't be so worried if it had actually maintained... but it seems like
after the 2 month major shed i went through.. i haven't seen any regrowth.. instead its still slowly thinning out everywhere on the top.
Or maybe it just means that finasteride's really not working for me?

Please guys!

*sigh* I can't bare watching my hair just getting sucked down into the drain.... everyday..


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I was in the same boat as you bud.

I was a diffused thinner and was loosing about the same amount of hair you are now.

I went on Finasteride back in Dec. or Nov. The Finasteride did halve my shedding but it didnt stop it. I was still loosing in the shower, comb, hat, ect ect ect.

I did some research and added Nizoral 2% and Zix w/ azelaic acid. Within 2 weeks my shed stopped. In two more weeks my scalp was no longer sensitive and my hair wouldnt come out even if I pulled on it hard.

I've been on Finasteride for like 9 or 10 months now and the nizoral 2% and zix w/ azelaic acid for about a month and 1/2.

My hair looks better every day and am looking very forward to growing it long and styling it back.


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If you read information about Propecia, it can take up to one year to see result. If you see that your not lossing hair than it's working. Propecia works best to maintaine but it will regrow to for half of the people. Just give yourself more time.


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I found that my hair loss seemed to accelerate while on proscar for the first four months. I found adding minoxidil helped me... maybe adding an additional compound may help? such as minoxidil, or spironolactone?


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petchsky I defintely agree with you inregards to the accelerated shedding.. that 2 month that i shedded for.. I lost around 120 strands in the shower everyday, with lots of irritation and inflammation.. and then one day it just stopped and so did losing 120 strands of hair.

But even though i dont lose tha much hair anymore, I still lose around 40-50 in the shower.. and the thing that bugs me is that i still notice thinning on top ( not as fast as during the shed) but i'm still getting more diffused each week...

When I started on finasteride all I wanted was maintance...
Now I *need* regrowth! i'm in such a shithole


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I would not put to much stock into how many hairs you see in the shower. I mean sometimes when i get out the bath after washing my hair it looks like i have just finished shaving my entire body.

You could wait longer like two months and analyse what happens or add something to your regime, minoxidil did it for me, although i understand its a pain in the arse! Alternatively you could post your pics and see what people think and go from there.


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yea your right.. i dunno sometimes ya just have to beleive what you see.

But really though it woudln't be so bothersome if i didn't notice any thinning , its just that I do notice more and more scalp showing, since starting on finasteride... thats whats freaking me out


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Well, in a way that actually makes sense. finasteride normally starts by causing a shed, which also means its working, which then means your hair is not going to look as good as it did before you started, or better at any rate. In fact the toughest time i have had so far in my hairloss battle were the early days, when your still paranoid that the drugs don't work.... all i can say is hang in there!


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petchsky ,
how long did it take you before you started noticeing a change?


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ok.. well anyone? I'm talking about seeing your hair going down the drain till month 7 or 8 .. and then ya see results

The shedder

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I'm with you, at around month 3 i had a shed that lasted a while and made my hair look really thin. Now at month 7 my hair is starting to shed again and it is mostly shorter thin hairs, I'm hoping the thinner hairs are cycling into thicker hairs. I guess the next step is to wait for the 1 year mark. Stick in there man, others have had earlier results, but most agree it takes time for your hairloss to stabilize.


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It took me a while, 6/7 months before getting results. I noticed when this small hair appeared away from my hairline so i knew from then on that it was working. But before that i lost quite alot and even shaved my head in resignation. i went from a NW2 to a NW3 on the shedding alone


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Did you regain any of the hair you lost and regain, in other words are you still a norwood 3 or back to a 2?



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erm... i not sure what to class myself as at the moment... i definately not a NW3... i would say i'm a NW2 or NW1.5

So in anwser to your question i did regrow all that i shedded yes and managed to get additional growth.


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hey petchsky, did you acheive that with finasteride only? or with minoxidil also?


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This may or may not work for you, but hot damn did it work well for me.
When I started on finasteride, I shaved my head. Not bic styled, just a short buzz cut. No worries about sheds (cant count hairs when they are really short) got a tan up top, and by the time it grew back to a nice length it was as thick as when I was 14 years old. It was a really, really nice surprise because I didn't (couldn't) monitor and worry about it every single day because it was too short to notice. Seriously, it was like finding money in the pocket of an old pair of jeans.

I think these guys are right though, add Nizoral to the mix and stick with it for another couple of months. If Nizoral irritates your scalp, get yourself T/Gel instead.


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Shaving my head in the early days of my regimen was something i definatly indulged in, it really does stop you being so obsessive. I got my results by finasteride and minoxidil.


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Yeah i agree with you 20sometingtoo...

I have been on finasteride and nizoral for nealy 3 months and i had my hair cut short and it dont look too bad

It makes you worry less when its short and i may grow it long after summer to see what happens....

Come on me little beauties