coconut oil as delivery vehicle?


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Diluted coconut oil as delivery vehicle?

Is this a good delivery vehicle for crushed ingredients? Can it penetrate skin in a powerful?
If no, what could be more suitable ?

What kind of substances open the skin more widely, to maximize absorption?


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Jojoba oil is the closest oil to your own sebum. Also emu oil is a great carrier oil.


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I see, I've heard about EMU but jojoba sounds better. What about aloe vera?


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Whyatt said:
I see, I've heard about EMU but jojoba sounds better. What about aloe vera?
Aloe Vera is a good soother,but it does nothing to deliver anything. It's a natural astringent too.


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Got anything that will hydrate the skin? Really open it? Ease penetration..


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Like I said, emu oil and jojoba oil are the best. Everything else isn't close.

Armando Jose

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Jojoba oil is better, in my opinion, than emu oil. It don't need operations after press nor rectification, it is a extremely stable liquid wax and it is a vegetable not an animal origin.



So would it work if I crushed spironolactone tablets to emu oil or do I need something else?


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Wellllllllllllll, emu oil has anti inflammatory properties, which jojoba doesn't have. Why not mix both oils up? I do that to get the benefits of both.

Armando Jose

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Anti-inflammatory effects of jojoba liquid wax in experimental models.

Pharmacology Research. 2005 Feb;51(2):95-105.



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Oh, and I also think the massage itself helps more than the oil as it helps circulation. More circulation = more nutrient availability = healthier follicles.

Armando Jose

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MARULA oil :crazy: ..which you did get right in the beginning...and the end. Or did you mistype in the middle...

Everywhere I've read Marula is extremely stable. I've been using it with FNS(which I use from time to time)..makes a world of difference as far as absorption and leaving the scalp free of residue.

Old Baldy

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Jacob told me about Marula Oil a long time ago. I've used it consistently since then as the main base oil in my homemade creams that I mix spironolactone. into. Not real greasy. Good stuff IMHO. (I think jojoba oil is good stuff though IMHO. In fact, I add a little bit to my spironolactone. cream along with the Marula Oil.)

For any of you who make your own creams, Marula Oil and jojoba oil mix well together.

Tests have been done showing Marula Oil is more stable than the average oil. ... la_oil.pdf

It's funny how spironolactone. can work well for some people and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for others. I read a study a long time ago where a group of women used topical spironolactone to get rid of facial hair and some showed good results and about two-thirds showed little or no results. (Three month testing time was used IIRC.)

I'm one of those who favorably responds to spironolactone.


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Seems that i need to do little research about this natural oils, because like i read they can be benefit for people with problematic scalp like mine (seborrhoea):

Tea Tree Oil - Antifungal agent, topical application of 5% tea tree oil has shown an effect comparable to 5% benzoyl peroxide (source Wikipedia). It can be good for seborrhoea i guess

Emu Oil - Anti-inflammatory properties, it can be great i guess if u have sensitive scalp and apply after some topical application like rogaine but i hear it's too greasy

Jojoba Oil - I guess this one can be good replacment for alcohols in the topical treaments or i'm wrong?

Marula Oil is new to me

Old Baldy - What's your spironolactone recepie, crush spironolactone pills and mix them with marula/jojoba oil??

Old Baldy

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Kento: Coconut oil is good also btw. Kind of greasy though but good stuff IMHO.

Just get a good cream from the store. Ask a woman, they know creams very well. LOL!! (There are MANY good creams at your local stores I'd bet.)

I always suggest people just buy Cetaphil at your local store: (Go to the moisturizing cream product on the linked page. It's available at MANY places.)

I crush 60, 100mg spironolactone. tablets in a mortor and pestle to make a 4 ounce concoction (i.e., 120 ml). I then make a slurry out of that crushed stuff by adding a little dmso and put that into my homemade cream. You might want to put a couple of squirts of polysorbate 80 into your final concoction in order to emulsify all the stuff and mix it well together.

(A study Bryan has posted many times uses only 3 percent spironolactone. I use 5 percent. If you want to use 3 percent spironolactone., crush 36 tablets into 120 ml cream.)

You might end up with 5 to 6 ounces of finished stuff because of the crushed tablets and stuff you add to make the slurry. Just use 4 ounces (120 ml) of cream to mix all that stuff into is my recipe. This stuff will last quite a long time. So you could cut everything in half and make smaller batches.

I use a couple of "squirts" of dmso into the crushed spironolactone. tablets first for solvency purposes and to make my slurries. DMSO is controversial!!. You could use PPG in its place, or alcohol, or octyl salicylate, oleic acid, etc.

Many people think dmso will allow stuff to penetrate too much into your system even if you use a little amount for solvency purposes. So, you might want to use other stuff to make the slurry. (I've noticed no ill effects or bad breath from using a little dmso to make my slurries.)

Store the cream in the refrigerator, put a thin layer on your scalp once or twice a day and GOOD LUCK!!


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Old Baldy: I know that coconut oil can be very good conditioner expecialy for people with long hair like mine i can more easy comb it. I plan to use it after i shampoo and to wait serveral minutes and wash my hair again

About Cetaphil i can't use it have PPG in it :( Unlike many of you that the main problem is to regrow hair i have two problems, first one: healty scalp (because of seborrhoea), regrowth hair :). I don't belive that natural product can do wonder in regrowth hair (i know the big 3) but i still belive that using natural products i can keep my seborrhoea problem in control. Because i tryed shampoos like nizoral and actually was my worst shampoo experience it make my scalp after shampoo more oily, maybe i shoud try once a week 1% nizoral and to put aloe vera or tea tree oil after i shampoo. Same deal with PPG i was using rogaine 2% and make my hair more thinner, after i apply that my scalp get dry i guess that because of the etyl alcohol. Because i'm quite new with this problem by far i know PPG, SLS, Etyl Alcohol is big NO. I've checked dr.Lee 5% Spironolactone Lotion and from the list:water, aloe vera gel, stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, alkyl octanoate, mineral oil, dimethicone, tocopherol acetate, magnesium aluminum silicate, sorbitol, disodium EDTA, methylparaben, dimethlydimethyl hydantoin. Seems that it's ok for my problem. But it will be pain to order it because i don't see the country where i live in the list. About minoxidil i still can't find any 'good' solution exept but don't know how legit they are

Btw anyone with seborrhoea problems that used tea tree oil and have benefits from it? Or maybe aloe vera or maybe some other plant that can be good for this disease