Coconut oil - before / after minoxi ?


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So i got a jar of this pure bliss and i want to use it tonight, so any suggestions will be very much appriciated,
but the main question of mine is - what should i use first ?
and should i wait in between ?


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I don't think you should apply coconut oil to you hair close to the time that you apply minoxidil. It will affect the absorption and efficacy of the minoxidil. You should wait at least four hours after applying minoxidil before putting anything else on your scalp. This will enable the minoxidil to absorb properly. Anyway, just so you know, coconut oil will not help with male pattern baldness at all. It has no anti-androgenic or growth stimulating properties whatsoever. It is a good hair and scalp conditioner, but it will do nothing to help fight male pattern baldness.


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I don't think you should apply coconut oil to you hair close to the time that you apply minoxidil. It will affect the absorption and efficacy of the minoxidil. You should wait at least four hours after applying minoxidil before putting anything else on your scalp. This will enable the minoxidil to absorb properly. Anyway, just so you know, coconut oil will not help with male pattern baldness at all. It has no anti-androgenic or growth stimulating properties whatsoever. It is a good hair and scalp conditioner, but it will do nothing to help fight male pattern baldness.

What do you think of this?:

Effects of coconut oil on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in Sprague-Dawley rats.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the benign uncontrolled growth of the prostate gland, leading to difficulty with urination. Saw palmetto lipid extracts (SPLE), used to treat BPH, have been shown to inhibit prostate 5a-reductase, and some major components, such as lauric, myristic and oleic acids also inhibit this enzyme. Coconut oil (CO) is also rich in fatty acids, mainly lauric and myristic acids. We investigated whether CO prevents testosterone-induced prostate hyperplasia (PH) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals were distributed into seven groups (10 rats each). A negative control group were injected with soya oil; six groups were injected with testosterone (3 mg kg(-1)) to induce PH: a positive control group, and five groups treated orally with SPLE (400 mg kg(-1)), CO or sunflower oil (SO) (400 and 800 mg kg(-1)). Treatments were given for 14 days. Rats were weighed before treatment and weekly thereafter. Rats were then killed and the prostates were removed and weighed. CO (400 and 800 mg kg(-1)), SPLE (400 mg kg(-1)) and SO at 800 mg kg(-1), but not at 400 mg kg(-1), significantly reduced the increase in prostate weight (PW) and PW:body weight (BW) ratio induced by testosterone (% inhibition 61.5%, 82.0%, 43.8% and 28.2%, respectively). Since CO and SPLE, but not SO, contain appreciable concentrations of lauric and myristic acids, these results could be attributed to this fact. In conclusion, this study shows that CO reduced the increase of both PW and PW:BW ratio, markers of testosterone-induced PH in rats.


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I don't think you should apply coconut oil to you hair close to the time that you apply minoxidil. It will affect the absorption and efficacy of the minoxidil. You should wait at least four hours after applying minoxidil before putting anything else on your scalp. This will enable the minoxidil to absorb properly. Anyway, just so you know, coconut oil will not help with male pattern baldness at all. It has no anti-androgenic or growth stimulating properties whatsoever. It is a good hair and scalp conditioner, but it will do nothing to help fight male pattern baldness.
completely not true man !
coconut oil has anti androgenic properties, by just eating it, or rubbing on the scalp/skin/hair.
its also a VERY STRONG anti inflammatory agent, and you should know by now - that inflammation plays a VERY BIG role in male pattern baldness.
both of these properties makes the oil a great thing that anybody should add to their regimen.

besides that - oils such emu oil are known to increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals (including minoxidil) while they penetrate the skin very easily and therefor act as a kind of a bridge to anything thats inside the oil, or anything you would add to it,
if emu oil does that, im pretty sure coconut oil acts this way too.

and even more than that - the goodies in the oil itself would nourish your hair you wont belive it !

so yea - it might not grow lost hair, but so is minoxidil,
you'd wanna stick to the science and focus only on the 'male pattern baldness issue' than you should only go on anti androgens like finasteride, dutasteride, ru etc.
minoxidil is nothing in this scene - i say that after more than 5 years on minoxidil (and other stuff like azelaic acid, nizoral and more, but no strong AA like dutasteride/finasteride/ru) and really it did nothing to me in terms on male pattern baldness,
all it does is make hair grows a little bit faster and longer, and just maybe - some little vellus hairs gets a bit longer, but thats it !
PLUS - minoxidil isnt really good for the hair and the scalp in the long run because of the alcohol or other solvents used as veichles, which really damage the skin and hair's health !

you should do your homework mate.

anyway - just for you guys to know - i just used it last night.
this stuff is amazing,
first it smells so good ohhh !
than it tastes amazing as well !
and not only it feels great on the body (anywhere actually), it is also a VERY, VERY - powerfull healer !
i had some inflammation on my hand due to a too warm wax i did couple of days ago, and i smeared some coconut oil on that at night, and in the morning it was 70% gone.
its also a great thing for massages if any of you like to give / get .

anyway for my hair -
i scooped about a table spoon of oil (which is like a butter in room temp), put that in a glass bowl, put the bowl in another bowl/pot of hot water and let it melt down, it takes abour 4 minutes.
than when everything turned liquid i added about 1.5ml of minoxidil and stirred it well with the dropper.
i arranged before a role of plastic wrap to wrap my head with (this stuff while its on the body its liquid because of the body temperature, so you'd want to cover your head with something, i didnt had a shower cap, so this works even better as well as it keeps the head warm and nice), a knife to cut it with, and my sock hat.
once the oil and the minoxidil are well mixed, just pour it in little bits on your head and massage it for at least a good 3-4 minutes.
watch out not to spill too much at once.
wrap your head with the plastic wrap, make sure its not too tight or not too loose - you'd dont wanna mess with it in the middle of the night or at all really, put on a hat or a towl to keep your head warm, and in the morning wash it out with your favorite shampoo.

another thing you can do is just take small chuncks of oil and massage them directly to your head, it will turn liquid imediatly and than you could put your minoxi on that (to increase its absorption), or if you'd want you can use the oil - after using minoxi.

the best to my opinion would be -
buying a bulk of pure minoxidil powder, and mix it with coconut oil instead of alcohol as a veichle.
this way you do get the minoxidil dose for your hair, but with good stuff (coconut oil) instead of bad stuff (alcohol).

where do we get a bulk of pure minoxidil powder ???


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There are a lot of things that should work in theory, but in practice, they don’t. male pattern baldness is a very difficult condition to treat, and there are very, very few products that have been found to be effective at treating it. You may be right that coconut oil has some anti-inflammatory properties, but so do many other substances, very few if any of which are actually of any use in terms of treating male pattern baldness. Natural products such as coconut oil, if they do have any effect, it is far too weak to be able to successfully fight off the male pattern baldness process. male pattern baldness is a very powerful, forceful process, and in order to treat it successfully, you need to bring out the most potent weapons available. This is why I’m using dutasteride. I know that dutasteride will be a million times more effective than any “natural alternative” at fighting off the balding process. 5-AR inhibitors are really our only option at the moment. I know it sucks, but this really is the truth. Without using finasteride or dutasteride, your chances of winning the long-term battle against this disease are very slim.


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fair enough,
i kinda think so too,
but i dont have experience with finasteride or dutasteride yet,
just minoxi, nizoral, and herbal / natural stuff.
im actually just about to start with duts, and hopefully get a major change.


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Thank you for listening and taking notice of what I said in my post. I appreciate it. So many people on these forums don't listen, but instead keep on insisting and arguing that their own regimens are as effective or even more effective than proven treatments like Propecia. I think you've made a good decision to begin dutasteride. What dosage are you going to be taking?


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I used coconut oil on my hair for 6 months and didn't notice any benefit. My scalp was more flaky using the coconut oil than without. On the other hand, I enjoy eating coconut meat and I think it is also healthy for you. I believe there is more to gain by eating coconut than applying the oil to your hair.

To answer your question though, you would want to apply it after the minoxidil is absorbed. You would then want to wash your hair before applying minoxidil again as the oil will inhibit absorption