
Collection of the best hair systems you've seen!

Hairy Styles

New Member
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Hey guys.

I thought it would be good to start a collection of pictures of all the best hair systems that you have seen.

There are some shockingly bad sysems going around, and people see them and be detered from investigating more.

So post away!


Experienced Member
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not sure how strong a reply you will get as these matters tend to be discrete/sensitive for many wearers and you are relatively new. Im sure if you can build up credibility then wearers will be more open.

The Rake

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I believe we have one wig wearer here. And there are thousands of members. That explains it all regarding this as a viable hair loss solution.

And there are millions of men balding in the world with only a small fraction doing anything about it. I guess that explains it all regarding the viability of any hair loss solution, if we're going to take the stance that the minority on any issue is always wrong simply because they are, in fact, the minority. Self-confirmed beliefs and circular logic sure make life simpler, don't they.

The Rake

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10% of hair loss sufferers are treating their hair loss.

Maybe 0,1% of them are actually wearing a rug. that's a 100 times less.

But believe what you want and by all means, glue hair to your head if it seems convenient to you.

I'm interested in knowing where you're getting these numbers. Words like "maybe" and "believe" sure don't instill confidence in your assessment either. But all your points are still moot given your original argument.


Established Member
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this is not the best site for Hair system talk, its good for other subjects just not this topic for some reason go to hairlosshelp or northwest lace forum or even toplace. nortwest lace to me is the best for info. Systems today can be totally undetectable and for them to come off accidentally you willl likely lose skin with it. To me I prefer a system over a transplant to try first, at least its reversable