Here's a thought for you:
The reason so many people experience frontal thinning on dutasteride is because the drug is SO powerful as the standard .5 dose that it causes some sort of upregulation of sorts in the body and hormones go haywire (don't be jealous of my creative terminology)
Perhaps most, especially those who are below NW3s would be better of starting off at your suggested dose of 2 capsules a week to see how they fair, while adding a topical AA for safety purposes.
The reason so many people experience frontal thinning on dutasteride is because the drug is SO powerful as the standard .5 dose that it causes some sort of upregulation of sorts in the body and hormones go haywire (don't be jealous of my creative terminology)
Perhaps most, especially those who are below NW3s would be better of starting off at your suggested dose of 2 capsules a week to see how they fair, while adding a topical AA for safety purposes.