color of hair shaft bulb.


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I can't find any info on this, but what it is the significance of the color of the bulb at the end of a hair shaft. White bulb means hair is in telogen phase? black bulb means hair is in anagen phase? which will grow back?
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I read on another newsgroup that it might be oxidised crap that makes the bulb white. I'm not sure, I've been shedding hair with small black bulbs.


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There're too many exogenous variables to really place any credit in the color of hair shaft bulbs. Sweat, dirt, etc. all affect how it looks like. Basically, you want the shaft not to thin as goes from tip to root. It may taper a small bit toward the very end (this is normal) but it shouldn't be thinning all way from the tip to the root. This is a bad sign.


Bone Daddy

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The ones I look at on occassion are always white. The hair tapers sometimes in different spots. Since the finasteride has started, im losing short transparant hairs.. hopefully this is a good sighn.


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A while back I checked into a product called regenix and they told me that a black bulb is an indication of dht?? Any truth to that I don't know, but that is what they said.