Combination question?...


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Silly question, but it's been on my mind of late.

I've been using the Big 3 for about 10 months now, supplemented with the lasercomb. I had used the lasercomb for almost 2 years around my hairline, but I still kept slowly thining. (Nothing too rapid, but gradual). That's why I decided to give Big 3 a try.

Would it be silly or useless to drop the lasercomb for a while and see how the Big 3 work alone? You guys all know how hard it is to tell what's really working or not when you're using a lot of things. My hairline has really gone to crap of late. :cry:

The Rock

Established Member
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well i would only if you are looking to weed out what is and what is not working......but i would keep using it just for peace of mind and just incase it is able to have an increase benefit while on the big 3....where it wasn't by itself


Established Member
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Well if you already have it why not use it? Unless you do not have the time I would continue using it just for the sake at least somewhat getting your money's worth.


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21gone said:
Well if you already have it why not use it? Unless you do not have the time I would continue using it just for the sake at least somewhat getting your money's worth.

Thanks for the response...

I guess I just wonder is using the Lasercomb would in any way impede or disrupt the progess of the Big 3.

I'm sure there's little to no research on whether they work well in tandem. Can anyone think of any scientific reason as to why using the Lasercomb with the Big 3 can actually be a bad thing?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.