Combining Henna Powder with Topical cetirizine??


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dafuq is the point, henna is to dye hair ??


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yep, I agree with previous poster: henna with cet WILL mess up your hair (make it really dirty). I know as I used cet with ascorbic acid and it totally stuck my hair together after it dried. It is hard when I touch it.

I believe henna makes only cosmetic improvements for hair. The dying part of the henna will stick to miniaturized hair in between normal hairs and will make the small hairs thicker. This will make impression of more healthy hair, or even regrowth. I don't believe henna can really do something else besides that. I might be wrong.

I do believe in cetirizine, however. Love the stuff.


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so you r still using topical cet ?


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Yeah, I had a pause for 1 week (I was too sick to take care) but I do. Cet is a wondermed IMO.


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Yo Beholder can you help me i made my own cetirizine topical by mixing 30 10mg tabl in 50 ml Distilled water and left it for 24 hours.....Last night i applied it o my temples but im thinking how to wash IF i apply it on my entire scalp????And are their any advancement on Dermal Pappilae research???


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30*10mg/50ml is too low solution, IMO. After you use it make a 30*10mg/30ml. This is what people got some results with. I recently upped my dosage as well.

I do not understand the question though. How to wash? Sorry for the expression but they teach that in kindergarten. Not sure about that dermal pappilae question either. Please reformulate the questions or break them into sub-questions.

You apply cet after washing your hair. 2x a day, if possible.


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Yeah sorry my hands are freezing here 15 celsius(first time this cold)Any ways i was asking if i can apply it on my ENTIRE SCALP and then how am i supposed to wash it off with simple water while bathing or with KeTo 2% the other day .....Ever tried LevoCetirizine it is a 3rd gen. Histamine says its stronger and does not cause any sides like dizziness or memory recall??Ever tried to mix it with any oil coz these regimes are really tiresome and oils help to keep hair nourished


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Don't worry about cet side effects as you're taking topical route. You should be applying mornings and nights when you have energy or you're going to rest/sleep. Most people don't get any sides.

I apply only to hairloss affected areas (whole crown + scalp, temples, hairline). I don't wash any topical with water, no need for that. The ketoconazole shampoo will clean your skull but you should apply cetirizine immediately after shampooing, after your hair dries.

I tried levocetirizine as well but mostly internal. I do not buy/take it regularly because the most important hair study was about cetirizine, not levocetirizine. We're talking about 2 slightly different chemicals here.


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Thank you man this was very helpful.
BTW do you think male pattern baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia is a disease or just a condition....


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doesn't matter, as long as we need a cancer to cure it