Coming To Terms With The Fact Ill Be Shaving My Head Before 25


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Hey all, i am 19 years old and have been balding since 14 ( almost norwood 3 ) and for me personally has been one of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with in my life. I tried out finasteride, which only accelerated my loss and now im wondering why i even bothered in the first place. Life these last few years has not been good, ive went through bouts of self harm and hate which ultimately landed me on anti depressants and a very small circle of friends which i dont even see anymore. I spend almost every day alone and im on the verge of losing my girlfriend ( probably due to my hairloss ) Hair loss and crippling anxiety seem to go hand in hand and have ruled my life for years now to the point of which sometimes i wish i wouldn't wake up. Sleep is scarce and when i get some its always a nightmare ( ironically about being bald sometimes )
Its gotten so bad ive dropped out of college, stop pursuing my dreams and just put my entire life on hold. The worst part is none of this would be happening to me if i got my fathers hair genes ( my brother did ) but i lucked out and got my mothers, which all her 3 brothers went bald in their early to mid twenties. Combine that with fine hair and you've got a visual disaster. If i want to conceal my loss i have to tilt my head to the side so the fringe sweeps over my forehead, but once the wind gets me its on display for all to see. The only cure for me would be a hair piece, but then people would laugh.. i cant do bald, my forehead is huge and so is my head ( very few hats even fit on my head comfortably ), combine that with skinny fat and a shameful inability to gain muscle and you've got one severely depressed guy.
Im writing this not so much for my own release, but for alot of other guys upset about balding. It sucks whatever age you are, but just breathe a sigh of relief that you aren't in my shoes. Hair loss has literally ruined my life and its not really even began yet. Sorry for the depressing post but i really needed that off my chest

ahmed wolf

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no offense bro but u stoped me at girlfriend ur lucky u have one
it sucks losing hair at this age i am 25 loosing hair since i was 23 these past couple of years were really bad for me cuz oh hair loss
hit the gym work on other things in ur self and image


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no offense bro but u stoped me at girlfriend ur lucky u have one
it sucks losing hair at this age i am 25 loosing hair since i was 23 these past couple of years were really bad for me cuz oh hair loss
hit the gym work on other things in ur self and image

Wont have one for long, so why does it make a difference whether i do or not? With hair im quite an attractive guy, but without i am uglier than sin itself. I workout on my own, lift weights, go running, etc few times a week for 6 months now and have made absolutely no gains so im beginning to feel like im just wasting my time.. i may try steroids in the future see if that helps with gaining because im fed up putting in alot of effort and getting nothing out of it. Probably will get a hair piece and hide away in my room for the rest of my days. Im not disappointed im going bald because ill be less liked by girls, but because ill lose part of my self image and identity. I used to be known for my awesome hair ( oh how i wish it were still so ) but now im just fading away until i eventually kill myself but it is what it is


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Wont have one for long, so why does it make a difference whether i do or not? With hair im quite an attractive guy, but without i am uglier than sin itself. I workout on my own, lift weights, go running, etc few times a week for 6 months now and have made absolutely no gains so im beginning to feel like im just wasting my time.. i may try steroids in the future see if that helps with gaining because im fed up putting in alot of effort and getting nothing out of it. Probably will get a hair piece and hide away in my room for the rest of my days. Im not disappointed im going bald because ill be less liked by girls, but because ill lose part of my self image and identity. I used to be known for my awesome hair ( oh how i wish it were still so ) but now im just fading away until i eventually kill myself but it is what it is

Stop the stupid cardio and home workouts. Lift weights with a proper program and use progressive overload and 3 sets of 10. EVERYONE can double all their lifts in 12 months with 4 gym sessions per week. KEEP ON THE DAMN FINASTERIDE.


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Look, I love my hair and I have a career that REQUIRES I keep it as long as possible. So I feel ya. But I wouldn't be giving up on life in general if I had aggressive hair loss. The best thing you can do is treat and keep what you've got, but if that's not worked for you and it's starting to depress you, why not consider the next step? Hair tattoos, hair systems, wigs etc. All of these things have come so far in the past 10-20 years. I know one dude who lost his hair at 14, was pretty much bald up until 23. Had his hairline and crown all tattooed on (which is fine as he keeps his head shaved anyway) and my god does he look 10 years younger.

If the shaved look isn't for you, go and check out how realistic hair systems and wigs look now days. I work with a girl who lost every hair on her body and I would never have known if she hadn't told me.
I know a lot of dudes think that wearing a piece is not masculine or whatever, but I'm telling you now it's a far better option than getting depressed and killing yourself because your hair fell out.

Or you could sit around getting depressed about it despite solutions to your problem being available...
Good luck!


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Look, I love my hair and I have a career that REQUIRES I keep it as long as possible. So I feel ya. But I wouldn't be giving up on life in general if I had aggressive hair loss. The best thing you can do is treat and keep what you've got, but if that's not worked for you and it's starting to depress you, why not consider the next step? Hair tattoos, hair systems, wigs etc. All of these things have come so far in the past 10-20 years. I know one dude who lost his hair at 14, was pretty much bald up until 23. Had his hairline and crown all tattooed on (which is fine as he keeps his head shaved anyway) and my god does he look 10 years younger.

If the shaved look isn't for you, go and check out how realistic hair systems and wigs look now days. I work with a girl who lost every hair on her body and I would never have known if she hadn't told me.
I know a lot of dudes think that wearing a piece is not masculine or whatever, but I'm telling you now it's a far better option than getting depressed and killing yourself because your hair fell out.

Or you could sit around getting depressed about it despite solutions to your problem being available...
Good luck!

"I work with a girl who lost every hair on her body"

That sounds kind of sexy.


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I know what you feel bro, we're all in the same battle. I used to cry everyday holding a mirror while looking on my balding head when my hair loss started a year ago. It will get better as we grow older, focus on your dreams and pray to God everyday. We'll overcome this s**t male pattern baldness.
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g.i joey

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Try before 20.
So privileged, I guess your situation was the worst. No one can compare considering you started balding 10 months earlier. Whether u bald at 18 or 20 or 22 it's no difference. This disease hits the hardest under 25. I say that because these are the ages where hairloss is least common.

g.i joey

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Dude said he was balding at 15 or something like that.

Most of us here who are in our early 20s are here cause we're basically nw3 so most of us were actually balding before 20.

But if it makes u feel any better. Yes fred, u were bald first you win.


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I started balding at the age of 16.

I wish I started balding at the age of 22.

6 full years of youth, of formative years with a full head of hair? No difference?

You have no idea. I was already a full NW5 at the age of 22.

Anyone starting to lose his hair after university = privileged.

All though my hair loss was less agressive.

I was a NW2 at 16. NW3 at 18 with on set of vertex thinning.

I remember older dudes pointing out that I had s receding hairline. Friends would try to take my cap off when I had it cut short.

Life rele fucks you up when you bald in your teens. Don't develop properly.

U see a lot of these guys ho start balding in there twenties are barely affected. The had the core development during here teenage years. It doest effect them as hard as someone who was messed in there teen years.

Big difference I'm mental development
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All though my hair loss was less agressive.

I was a NW2 at 16. NW3 at 18 with on set of vertex thinning.

I remember older dudes pointing out that I had s receding hairline. Friends would try to take my cap off when I had it cut short.

Life rele fucks you up when you bald in your twenties. Don't develop properly.

U see a lot of these guys ho start balding in there twenties are barely affected. The had the core development during here teenage years. It doest effect them as hard as someone who was messed in there teen years.

Big difference I'm mental development

I lost my virginity after I was a norwood 2.


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I started to bald at 19, however it wasn't until I was 22 that it started becoming a bit harder to style, I am now 23 and around a norwood 2/2.5. I am privileged compared to some but that doesn't stop me constantly checking my hairline everywhere I go, researching methods to keep my hair for a bit longer 24/7. Along with worrying about how I am going to look in a couple of years. Just started on Propecia and I am hoping this will help.

Anxious Andy, I know how sh*t losing your hair is but you shouldn't think that killing yourself is even an option. My friend was out one night and fell off a balcony in a pub, shes now paralyzed from the waist down. My friend lost his sight in an accident at work, I know someone who contracted HIV. My point is there's always someone out there who's got it worse than you. My advise would be to work on yourself, take a bit of time out and go on a couple of long walks with some reiki healing music- works for me. Unfortunately we live in a world which focuses a lot on how we look on the outside and not so much on what we look like within. If you're destined to go bald then take a look at the mountain from game of thrones, hit the gym seriously, pack on some muscle and channel Jason Stathem. If that's not your thing then try as mentioned; a hairpiece, hair transplant etc.

Its really upsetting that you feel the way that you do, and the fact that balding has stopped you from perusing your dreams. However look at Steve Jobs, he was bald as f and look how successful he was. If all of us focused all the energy we spend trying to keep our hair and worrying about it into something productive, like starting our own business- think how successful we would all be! Try to feel sorry for yourself less, and focus on what you've got going for you, are you able bodied, are you a good problem solver, good at researching? What skills do you have in which you could translate to a career? I'm 23 and own my own business, looking to open another by 25! Start small and slowly grow, for example my friend worked in a supermarket on sh*t money. He saved up enough for a pizza van, started going around events selling pizza, he now two years later has his own restaurant, and a girlfriend. Funny enough he's almost bald! My point is, it doesn't matter if you have hair or not, you can be successful in business and successful in life. Obviously I myself am worried about going bald and losing my looks, I am trying everything to stop it but if the inevitable happens then it happens....I move on and focus on something new. My dads bald as f*** and he's alright about it, sure he would rather have hair but hes got a loving wife and a pretty awesome son ;). My cousin is completely bald and hes 25 (not the best genes in my family) he's getting married this year, has a two children, and a promising career in the armed forces. You will be fine Andy, just try to be positive! You say your girlfriend is probably about to leave you because of your balding, I think this is most definitely true! However not for the reason you might expect. I don't think she is about to leave you because you're losing your hair, and you're changing slightly aesthetically. I think she may leave you because of how balding has changed you as a person. Are you spending more time worrying about your hair and less time on working on your relationship? Do you ever stop to tell her how amazing she is, how beautiful she is? Can you find it in yourself to go on dates with her? Or would you rather stay in doors away from anyone who might see your receding hairline? Focus on what really matters.

I really hope that things start to look up for you Andy, and please never think about ending your life. You're 19 with your whole life ahead of you! Try to in-vision a life 10 years from now where you're completely bald but incredibly happy, and just sit there thinking about all the details. Maybe you have kids, maybe you've got a great body! Maybe you have a very successful career and a nice house. Happiness is still possible even when bald. Obviously I would rather be driving a Lamborghini with the roof down and my hair blowing in the wind, but if fate takes my hair and i'm left with an egg head then aaa well, I would be so happy with a Lamborghini bald or with hair!

All the best, and make sure to keep us all updated. Peace and love.


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Hey all, i am 19 years old and have been balding since 14 ( almost norwood 3 ) and for me personally has been one of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with in my life. I tried out finasteride, which only accelerated my loss and now im wondering why i even bothered in the first place. Life these last few years has not been good, ive went through bouts of self harm and hate which ultimately landed me on anti depressants and a very small circle of friends which i dont even see anymore. I spend almost every day alone and im on the verge of losing my girlfriend ( probably due to my hairloss ) Hair loss and crippling anxiety seem to go hand in hand and have ruled my life for years now to the point of which sometimes i wish i wouldn't wake up. Sleep is scarce and when i get some its always a nightmare ( ironically about being bald sometimes )
Its gotten so bad ive dropped out of college, stop pursuing my dreams and just put my entire life on hold. The worst part is none of this would be happening to me if i got my fathers hair genes ( my brother did ) but i lucked out and got my mothers, which all her 3 brothers went bald in their early to mid twenties. Combine that with fine hair and you've got a visual disaster. If i want to conceal my loss i have to tilt my head to the side so the fringe sweeps over my forehead, but once the wind gets me its on display for all to see. The only cure for me would be a hair piece, but then people would laugh.. i cant do bald, my forehead is huge and so is my head ( very few hats even fit on my head comfortably ), combine that with skinny fat and a shameful inability to gain muscle and you've got one severely depressed guy.
Im writing this not so much for my own release, but for alot of other guys upset about balding. It sucks whatever age you are, but just breathe a sigh of relief that you aren't in my shoes. Hair loss has literally ruined my life and its not really even began yet. Sorry for the depressing post but i really needed that off my chest
I have the same exact story except I have an ugly face and no girlfriend. Im 17 in 2 weeks and I'm NW1 diffuse crown tho


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I have the same exact story except I have an ugly face and no girlfriend. Im 17 in 2 weeks and I'm NW1 diffuse crown tho
Oh my god I forgot about this. Thankfully due to aggressive persistence and powerful treatments my hair is doing better! Not quite as good as when I wrote this but its a glimmer of hope. I'm 21 almost 22 now and I'm Norwood 2. Crown loss is easier to get back than temples and hair line. With right treatments I'm sure you'll be OK man.


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was cyproterone acetate what cured you?
No treatment is a cure, just a way to manage the symptoms. I'm definitely not cured, when I pull my hairline back its still definitely receded. Cyproterone and oral minoxidil have worked together to give me a bit of regrowth but its not as thick as the rest of my hair yet.


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No treatment is a cure, just a way to manage the symptoms. I'm definitely not cured, when I pull my hairline back its still definitely receded. Cyproterone and oral minoxidil have worked together to give me a bit of regrowth but its not as thick as the rest of my hair yet.
You shouldn't expect to regrow hair on CPA only the stop of loss, E2 will do the regrowth for you


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You shouldn't expect to regrow hair on CPA only the stop of loss, E2 will do the regrowth for you
Very reasonable expectations. Nobody should expect regrowth from anything, only hope to maintain.


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