Comment on Dr. Gho's research, article...


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I think it is totaly awesome to see what he and his team have done. Finally it looks like some progress has been and is being made.

I guess the 40-80% "success rate" has to do with not knowing just how far down to cut the hair follicle to get, and leave behind, an even number of stem cells. I thought it had to do with something else. But this makes sense.

Also, regarding the observation that one newly-implanted follicle can generate not one but three or four hairs, I think it is because some of those stem cells are migrating to dormant follicles, and revitalizing those hairs as well. That's just my opinion- I'm no doctor. It's cool either way. I'm sure, or at least I hope, we figure that out. That sounds like a piece of the puzzle toward the "stem cell cure" approach.

One of my concerns with this process of "splitting hairs" (ha ha!) is that the hairs will simply die out years down the road. No, there is no reason to believe they would. But it is as if we are "tricking" the stem cells into thinking that they are part of a complete hair. I just wonder what happens down the road- if they "catch on to the trick", if you will. Can Dr. Gho comment on this? Perhaps after a year the successfully-transplanted hair follicle is a complete hair, I don't know.

Also- and this goes for all cures to hair loss- who cares about hair growth direction?!? For one, let US worry about that. And second, it's called GEL, and the "messy" look is still somewhat trendy, looks good on most people, and I don't think it will go away any time soon. I'm an engineer, so I look at it like this: if you are trying to find a way to build a car that not only goes on road but also in the water, you end up with one of those slow-*** amphibious things that the military uses. If you only have the requirement that it has to go on the road, you can build a frickin ferrari for the same price. In other words, JUST PUT HAIR ON OUR HEADS, AND LET US WORRY ABOUT THE DIRECTION IT GROWS IN! I'm saying that in a nice way. The message to the docs and researchers is not to burden themselves with figuring out a solution to the direction problem.

That's my take on it. I was just wondering what others thought about the article and slides on Dr. Gho's research. I think it kicks ***. I don't have a very thick head of hair. So I don't think I have enough on the sides and back to cover a Norwood 7 scalp, unfortunately.

Good luck guys (and gals).


I think it´s great that they are pushing science forward but I have to remain sceptical. What he´s doing is taking stemcells and growing them into a new hair leaving just enough behind so that a old hair will regrown.

My questions are: Howcome the scientist who took clean stemcells, turned them into follicle cells, couldn´t achieve this result. How big follicle will the transplanted stemcells grow - I don´t want another place with Vellus hairs :)

Still I was happy when I read the stuff because of the cool slides.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Cool but it will probably be very costly for awhile .


Established Member
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I have been reading about the rantings of Gho for about 3 years now, and his claims seem to go back even further than that. While I am trying my hardest to give the guy the benefit of the doubt I feel that I have heard "wolf" once too often and can't take the guy seriously. While I hope to hell the guy is legit and it's not just another round of BS, I refuse to get my hopes up again like I did the first time reading about him only to realize there is nothing there to get excited about.