Comments beside the obvious


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Hi all,

I just wanted to know if anybody gets comments other than the usual "Your going have a receeding hairline."

I think having more hair takes away the impact of other factors such as the effect of tiredness, etc on your face. I have been noticing lately that people say I look tired alot, questioning whether I am not getting enough sleep at night. I confirmed this by not going out and sleeping late over the past weekend, to wake up feeling refreshed, and still getting the same comment later on in the day. I typically get around 8 hours per night so I am not sleep deprived in any manner.

I have also observed with others (20-30 year old guys) who are losing their it at the gym or office...they seem to look more tired and worn down than the average guy. Maybe its not just the hairloss, but the greater emphasis it places on other facial features (dark circles, wrinkles, etc) that contributes to looking older??


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I have experienced this...

Without suffering from some form of hairloss, nobody can really empathize with a balding man... It's a hard struggle, but whether you agree or disagree, it definitely changes you. For some, people make the best out of it and truly benefit in character, strength, and fortitude.

For others, they change for the worse... My father, for instance, is one of the most shallow and two-faced persons I have met. Coming off as a nice guy in public, but once revealing his personality, can be known as a lier, sexist, and money-driven man. I know that his baldness (NW5) is one of his core issues, as he's told me this.

But back to your discussion,

yes, I've received comments like. "Wow, you look really stressed man."

"What the hell have you been up to? You look tired."

"You need to exercise more."

I'm not as stressed as I once was, I get a decent amount of sleep, although the quality isn't that great, and I exercise regularly.

These comments, I feel, stem from a change in my appearance... my recession and diffusion.


ya, i see that in bald people too. they look some kind of other than people with hair. something in the way they look is different. thats weird. pretty weird. im wondering from what that comes.