Comments on Saliva Test Results


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I've been visiting daily for over a year now, but this is my first post.
I'm a diffuse thinner with even thinning only on the top from my hairline to the vertex -- I believe my hairloss started about 2.5 years ago. The beginning of last year I was on finasteride/Min (hairline only)/nizoral for about 4 months, then I stopped both Propecia and minoxidil (dumb move) because of increased shedding and weight gain. I kept using the nizoral and have added T-Gel at the beginning of this year to reduce the itching. I no longer have any scalp irritaion.

I started on 1mg finasteride again this Feb and have been on it since (a little over 4 months now). Before I started I had a saliva test and I just had another. Here are the results (both saliva samples were taken in the early morning):

Estradiol (pg/ml):
1.3 (before finasteride)
3.9 (4 months on finasteride)
0.8 - 1.5 (optimal range for male)

Estrone (pg/ml):
1.3 (before finasteride)
1.4 (4 months on finasteride)
1.0 - 2.5 (optimal range for male)

Testosterone, Free (pg/ml)
61.6 (before finasteride)
92.1 (4 months on finasteride)
75 - 95 (optimal range for male)

DHT (pg/ml)
26.2 (before finasteride)
24.1 (4 months on finasteride)
20 - 40 (optimal range for male)

DHEA (pg/ml)
689.0 (before finasteride)
1017.7 (4 months on finasteride)
300 - 600 (optimal range for male)

I'm concerned about my high levels of Estradiol and DHEA, and the fact that my DHT has only been reduced by about 8%. Is this normal? I'm not sure of the accuracy of the tests, but the test lab (Pharmasan Labs) is ISO certified.

Since starting Propecia again, my hair has thinned considerably, especially around and just beyond my hairline. I'm not shedding any significant amount of hair, at least that I can tell.

I plan to ride this out and see if I get results in the next 6 months or so, but the lab results have me concerned. Comments from anyone on the results would be appreciated.




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This is pretty interesting. Any idea if the test is FDA approved? I dont ask because im an FDA approval junky, it just lends a lot of credibility to the reliability of the testing methods, and it seems like a pretty convenient way of getting baseline pre-propecia hormone levels.


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I'm not sure. Here's some info on the testing facility though....

I just emailed them about their "optimal range" for Estradiol, which they say is 0.8 - 1.5 pg/ml on my test report. I did some research on the web and it looks like the normal range is around 10 - 50 pg/ml for males. Something's not right. It looks like their units are incorrect. If that's the case, then maybe my value isn't so bad.

Either way, I may opt to get a blood test locally to confirm the results.

hair mchair

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I think you have the right idea. Get a blood test done. Personally, I don't trust saliva tests. I feel they are less reliable.


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Hey chops just wondering do you have any side effects with your usage of finasteride? Certainly a ratio that is out of wack will have an influence on your system. High Estradiol is not always good for a man. Please post your results on your latest lab test (whenever u get another one) and I would like to know if your body has readjusted back to its original state. Oh yeah and take blood tests, saliva is not as accurate.


chops said:
I just emailed them about their "optimal range" for Estradiol, which they say is 0.8 - 1.5 pg/ml on my test report. I did some research on the web and it looks like the normal range is around 10 - 50 pg/ml for males. Something's not right. It looks like their units are incorrect. If that's the case, then maybe my value isn't so bad.

Either way, I may opt to get a blood test locally to confirm the results.

Prehaps you are confusing optimal Saliva and optimal Blood Levels for Estadiol, 0.8 - 1.5 pg/ml (for Saliva) and 10 - 50 pg/ml (for Blood)

I know Life extension foundation do a very broad range of blood testing.


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Chops said:
I'm not sure. Here's some info on the testing facility though....

I just emailed them about their "optimal range" for Estradiol, which they say is 0.8 - 1.5 pg/ml on my test report. I did some research on the web and it looks like the normal range is around 10 - 50 pg/ml for males. Something's not right. It looks like their units are incorrect. If that's the case, then maybe my value isn't so bad.

Either way, I may opt to get a blood test locally to confirm the results.


Each lab has their own measuring scale for normality due to different procedures in measuring the samples -- so ranges will vary with labs. Also, keep in mind that the 0.8-1.5 pg/ml range is for saliva samples whereas the 10-50 pg/ml range you found is for blood samples. So don't find too much relief in your discovery.

If I were you, I would get a blood test done that specifically measures three markers: E2 (estradiol), T, and DHT. Get it done from an endocrinologist as they tend to know more about these things.
