Comparing several doctors/institutes help


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Hi guys,
Currently i am living in the Netherlands, I am 32 years old. I have lost most of the frontal hairs by now. I refuse to take Propecia. In my family most males have reached full baldness at the age of 40-50.
After reading through multiple forums I have decided to visit some clinics that are considered Top notch.
During each consult I asked some standard questions, trying to find out the differences between the clinics.

Medikemos clinic (dr. Lupanzula)
Q : Would you recommend FUT or FUE in my case?
A : Although we offer both techniques we prefer to use FUE.

Q: How many grafts would you recommend to give me a mature, full looking hairline again?
A: We would opt for a conservative approach. A good density would require 3200 grafts

Q: I am refusing to take Finasteride to stop further hair loss, what do you recommend?
A: We advice Keratene Retard. This is a DHT blocker that is an alternative for Finasteride.

Overall assessment of Medikemos
Very friendly, highly knowledgeable, uses manual FUE procedures.

Feriduni hair clinic

Q : Would you recommend FUT or FUE in my case?
A : Although we offer both techniques we prefer to use FUE.

Q: How many grafts would you recommend to give me a mature, full looking hairline again?
A: Dense packing and strategically placing of the grafts. A good density would require 2900 grafts

Q: I am refusing to take Finasteride to stop further hair loss, what do you recommend?
A: Keratene Retard is a natural DHT suppressor, ideal for those that do not want to use Finasteride or have averse effects.

Overall assessment of Feriduni hair clinics
Nice location, clean and tidy. Very friendly consultation, highly knowledgeable, uses manual FUE procedures. Most of the procedure is carried out by his assistants, including extractions.

I also plan to visit Prohairclinic in the near future. Originally I did not have them in my list, but lately they have impressed me with their video documented results.
Any tips to make my final selection easier? 1.jpg