Comparing the effects and prices of Reviogen and Propecia


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I've been doing a decent amount of research into hairloss products. After reading through these forums I'm still confused about a few things. Hopefully I'm not repeating anyone else and can be helped.

1.) Everyone says Propecia fights DHT better than Revivogen. I've read that Revivogen blocks both type of DHT, and at a much higher rate than Propecia.

2.) Everyone says that Propecia is the only proven product to stop hairloss, and lower levels of DHT. How is this so if Revivogen has had clinical trials proving its abilities, and has been backed by I believe, three medical journals, and the "Bald Truth" magazine and "Men's Fitness" magazine.

3.) To go along with the above question, does anyone know of any other testing this product may be getting. FDA approval pending?

4.) Everyone says it's so expensive. Doesn't this depend upon how you're going to be using it. Propecia is 50 a month, (not proscar, I know about cutting the tablets)
For a three month supply, Revivogen is 120. Granted, if you have to use more than recommended because of a greater amount of thinning, it is going to be more expensive.

I don't know, I am a person who seems very skeptical of Propecia. It seems like a drug that has the potential to cause scary future issues. Revivogen seems like the next best product with the various backing it's been getting. I suppose I am curious as to why people are so quick to bash it then say jump on Propecia. I don't know. This is just my views on the research, and reading of various hairloss forums I've been doing. Don't be afraid to tell me how wrong I am because I'm trying to learn as much about all this as possible. Thank you!


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I am skeptical of Revivogen, as opposed to the clinically proven Finasteride. I am not saying Revivogen doesn't work, but it is not clinically tested and proven to work, not to the degree that finasteride is (peer reviewed, double-blind, FDA, etc)

I have read of people having good results here on Revivogen, that is great for them....I just want to spend my money on what is proven.


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Re: Comparing the effects and prices of Reviogen and Propeci

Glassjaw said:
I've read that Revivogen blocks both type of DHT, and at a much higher rate than Propecia.

Where did you hear that it was a "much higher rate" than Propecia"??

Glassjaw said:
How is this so if Revivogen has had clinical trials proving its abilities...

It hasn't had any clinical trials, just some "in-house" testing.

Glassjaw said:
...and has been backed by I believe, three medical journals

Where did you hear THAT??

Glassjaw said:
To go along with the above question, does anyone know of any other testing this product may be getting. FDA approval pending?

None at all, and no FDA approval.



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Re: Comparing the effects and prices of Reviogen and Propeci

Bryan said:
Glassjaw said:
I've read that Revivogen blocks both type of DHT, and at a much higher rate than Propecia.

Where did you hear that it was a "much higher rate" than Propecia"??

Propecia doesn't stop it from attaching to the hair follicle, and it doesn't stop both types. I'll have to find a few websites, but I know I've read a few times the ingredients being the most clinically proven potent DHT blockers.

Glassjaw said:
How is this so if Revivogen has had clinical trials proving its abilities...

It hasn't had any clinical trials, just some "in-house" testing.

Glassjaw said:
...and has been backed by I believe, three medical journals

Where did you hear THAT??
look at the bottom of the page. I realize now it could be heresy, perhaps I should look into those journals if possible and find out what they wrote about it.

Glassjaw said:
To go along with the above question, does anyone know of any other testing this product may be getting. FDA approval pending?

None at all, and no FDA approval.

Is it going to be submitted for approval do you know of?



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...and has been backed by I believe, three medical journals

Where did you hear THAT??
look at the bottom of the page. I realize now it could be heresy, perhaps I should look into those journals if possible and find out what they wrote about it.

Oh, for chrissake!! You're just referring to those three medical journal citations on fatty acids, aren't you?? :-x

When you made that statement, I thought you were saying that REVIVOGEN ITSELF (the commercial product) had been backed by three medical journals!!!

Is it going to be submitted for approval do you know of?

I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell of that ever happening! I doubt that the Revivogen company has a spare $400 million lying around to be used for FDA approval! :)



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Yeah, all that REvivogen does, i believe, is mix alot of known DHT inhibitors together. The problem is basically the zix/azelaic acid problem; there might be some issues with having them in the same formula.