Complications 2 years later? Help very much needed.


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Hi everyone,

In July of 2009, I had a hair restoration procedure done at NuHart in Pittsburgh, PA by Dr. Boles. I actually posted pictures a day after the surgery in this forum, so they still might be in the archives somewhere.

Anyways, they said they put 1,000 hairs in the hairline, and 500 in the crown. Well, almost 2 yrs later, I would say MAYBE 200 hairs at the most regrew, and that would be pretty generous, that's honestly all the difference that I can see. I went back to see him last August and he even said himself that he could see the surgery didn't really work, and he had no answers for why, and that he would fix it for me, which turned out to be a big lie. 2 days later, his secretary who was sitting in his office with me when he told me this, told me via email that they would give me 200 grafts for free, but wanted $2,000 to re-do the surgery, and when I was there, dollars were never mentioned, he just said he'd take care of it for me.

When I was there, I also told him of numbness that I had in certain areas of my head, at which time he told me was extremely rare to still have so long later, well almost 2 yrs later after the surgery, I still have that numbness. Not as much as then even, but it's still there.

The biggest problem that I have is headaches. I talked to him about this when I was there, and he told me that he did not think that the headaches were connected to the surgery. I explained to him that I hardly ever got headaches before, they were so rare for me that I could count how many I would get a year on both hands, and now I get them every single day, and they last pretty much from the time I wake up, until the time I go to sleep. However, he told me that he's very confident that the two are not connected.

About 3 weeks ago, I went to a Neurologist because I just can't handle the constant headaches anymore, and he had me get a CAT scan, just to make sure that everything is ok inside my head, to rule out any tumors, etc, and luckily everything came back normal. So, that leads me back to the surgery. Headaches do run in my family. My Mom gets them frequently, and so does my sister, they both get migraines, however, I've never gotten headaches until after this surgery, and I'll be 31 next month, so even if they were hereditary, I wouldn't think that I would start getting them at 29 and 30 yrs old? So I keep coming back to this surgery.

I emailed Dr. Boles and his secretary last week about this, and told them my situation about the headaches and how miserable I am because of them and asked them is there any possible way that maybe the surgery could've caused this? Maybe because so many of the grafts didn't regrow, could some of them that didn't grow, be causing problems inside of my head, and possibly be causing these headaches? Is that even possible? I just need some kind of answers so I'll have something to go on so I can rule things out.

It's pretty common for him not to check his email regularly, so I emailed her, and she used to reply to me immediately, I sent her 1 email, she didnt reply, I waited a few days, sent it to her again, she still hasn't replied, and I have a feeling that she won't, so I plan on calling them this week about all of this.

I would like at some point to get another surgery since this one failed, and I'm going to go someplace that will actually give me the proper results, however I'm very scared about that because of these problems I'm having. Would another surgery even work? Like, would another doctor be able to put hairs in the same places that didn't regrow before, but they would regrow this time?

Has anyone else ever experienced these kind of issues, especially 2 yrs after their surgery? My surgery was pretty small compared to some of the other ones, I only had 1,500 grafts done, or so they said. I even question that since so few regrew.

Any help and/or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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Well NuHart is a butcher. There was a guy that did a hair transplant there(maybe it is you?) and the result was miserable. As for the pain, he probably damaged some of the nerves... I am afraid there is nothing you can do about it now...


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Calm down LooseAll, why do you say that he cant do nothing about it? You surely made his day. And how do you know it is nerves?

Jccidol I dont think that headaches are related, since I have never heard anything like that before in any forum. But, there should be doctors to talk to and find out. As for the surgery itself, you should do a second one in a well respected doctor and fix that. Don't worry that much about it. Besides, threatening him with a lawsuit will surely help, to give you your money back.


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It's truly amazing that NuHart is still in business- they have left a huge trail of butchered customers in their wake over the years, including me. I went in at the age of 23 as a NW2 and ended up getting a transplant to my hairline. Well, that lasted about a year until the hairline continued to recede from both shockloss and male pattern baldness, and then of course the "doctor" recommended more grafts, and then again a third. Eventually, a few years down the road as the baldness continued to progress, I was able to see how unnatural the work was and it ruined me. I've been living under a hat for the last 10+ years trying to find my way out of this.

However, there is good news for you. You only went there ONCE! I suggest you NEVER get work done from NuHart again, EVEN IF IT'S FOR FREE. Count your blessings that you dodged a bullet, and if you really do want more work done take your time and consult a reputable surgeon who will have your best interests at heart. You will need to research and look at some of the reputable doctors mentioned on these boards, who are backed up with scores of patients posting their results. I don't know if there's anything you can get back from Nuart at this point, since the statute for malpractice lawsuits usually expires after a year, plus they tend to make sure their a$$ is covered when they give you the forms to fill out.

How long after the surgery did the headaches start to happen?


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I have to say that I see no way how this surgery could cause headaches, however with the other stuff I suggest you take Dave ones advice. You got butchered just walk away. This is just how it is with hair transplant's you'll never get any recourse and you dont want these people coming anywhere near your head again.
You're not the first guy this has happend to and wont be the last but its better to move on than waste time and effort in a futile attempt at any satisfaction.
You've already done the best thing you can do by reporting it on here.
Its a crooked business thats why its so important to do your research and go with one of the few good Dr's out there.
Hopefully if people follow this advice some of the worst clinics out there will go out of business and the best ones will flourish.


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I didn't really pay attention to when they started, because I didn't really think much of it, until they became pretty constant and I would say that was maybe around a year or so after the procedure.

My big fear in doing another surgery is having success in areas that it didn't regrow from the last surgery. They did most of the work in the hairline, which mostly didn't regrow, and I'd want that done over, would it regrow the next time since it didn't the first time? Same with the crown?

I got lucky in the sense that I didn't really have any shock less. I still have a lot of hair luckily for now.. I did this more for maintenance and touch up purposes, and for trying to stay on top of my hair loss and staying ahead of it, which is why I had so little grafts done (1,500) But I am developing a bald spot in the back of my head ...which, was supposed to be covered in the surgery, and it didn't work, and I wanted the work done on my hairline where I had lost it. Some of the work they did on the hairline did regrow., but just not all of it, which makes no sense.

Is there a way I can have tests done or something to find out if nerves were permanately damaged? What kinda doctor would I go to for that?

A few of the replies I've received mentioned the good doctors, but no one gave any names. The ones I've looked at are, Bernstein, I think Feller? I can't recall if that's his name. but I do recall they were both in NY.

What are a few other good ones?

Since I did have probs with the numbness and I am have the issues with headaches, should I even consider doing another one of these again?


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Thanks for the advice. Him and Bernstein are the two I've been looking at the most, I actually wanted to take a trip to NY and vist both of them while I'm both there. I did a lot of research on the Dr. that worked on me at NuHart, and he's a Dr that works at a few different hospitals in Pittsburgh, and they said he's done over 25,000 hair procedures, and NuHart apparently flies him all over the world to do stuff for them, so I felt very safe. Plus they gave me a $3,000 discount on the surgery. They told me for what I wanted, they'd normally charge me 6, but they gave it to me for 3, so for that price, and after the research I read about the doctor which was actually positive, or I wouldn't of done it, I figured I couldn't pass it up. Unfortunately, I'm still paying for the surgery, and having it not worked and the head numbness and the headaches (even tho everyone including him is saying they're unrelated) makes it very hard for me to continue paying for it, but I have no choice.

What is done during one of these repair sessions?


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I have heard very good words for dr. Bernstein, though never met him in private. Also, Ron Shapiro is one of the best docs performing FUE in the world. In general all docs reported here as good ones are very good. When only a couple of people mention some docs, you should be careful, but when a lot of people actually recommend some docs, then you should be feeling safe. Good luck :)


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jccidol said:
What is done during one of these repair sessions?

Repair session is basicly just a (rather misleading) phrase to apply to anyone who's had previous surgery that turned out unsatisfactory.
Basicly they'll just give you another hair transplant with the intention of trying to give you the outcome you wanted from the first one. ie repair your looks.


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JCC, I felt safe going to NuHart too. I believed their PR bullsh$t and predatory sales tactics. The part where you say they told you they usually do the surgery for 6, but offered it to you for 3 and you felt like you couldn't pass it up- man that brings back memories! They are still working their magic!

Anyway, you are on the right track. Usually you can narrow it down to a handful of docs that most people consider for various reasons. Dudemon's list is pretty good. You will hear some other names on various forums but the same ones will surface time and time again because they have scores of happy patients online and a strong online database of HI RES photographic and/or video evidence of their results.

The next thing to think about is whether you want FUE or strip, which is an entirely different argument.

I think going to both Feller and Bernstein would be a great start- they have very good reputations and will not pressure you into doing anything, nor will they tell you what you want to hear just to get your money. Then you can take some time, weigh over your options and go from there. Good luck!


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These guys do not even know how to work with photoshop on pics. Look here: ... id=6868288 at the left (''before'') picture. You can see the artificial connection between hair and scalp...

Apart from that, jccidol, do not worry, just go to a well known surgeon and you will be just fine. You are not the first or last one who had bad work done.


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Thanks for all of the words of comfort and advice guys. Yeah, I did get really lucky compared to some of the things I've seen and read on here. I'm just so worried about the headaches and pain I go thru all of the time. Sometimes when I touch areas that the surgery was done on, like in certain areas of my hairline, it still hurts a little, that's why I was thinking, maybe the headaches and stuff were connected to the surgery, but it's constant enough I guess to be connected to the headaches.

Here's another theory I had...I had longer hair, like to my shoulders just about, and sometimes I wear it pulled back, not tightly and not for long when I you think that could possibly have any connection at all? The headaches did start before I started doing this, but I didn't know if maybe doing this would aggrevate the grafts or whatever. I told Dr. Boles last August when I saw him that this was my plan..and all he said was that I can "pull off that look" he never said that it would cause any harm, I didn't think to specifically ask that question either. I guess I'm trying to rule out every possible thing.

I just watched that video, and when I first went to them, they gave me a choice of the guy on the video, Dr. Dickinson or Dr. Boles to do my surgery, and I ended up choosing Boles, I just thought that was ironic that he was on this particular video.

The neurologist gave me some meds for my headaches that I'm in the progress of taking for the next month so if they help and get rid of this, I know it's not related to the surgery at all, so hopefully it works.

Thanks again guys.


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I honestly believe that the surgery is the cause. I have read about many horror butchered hair transplant stories and damaged nerves. It perfectly fits your case. The worst thing it that there is nothing that can be done TBH.

I hope that it is something else.


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Every strip hair transplant damages the nerves. But they do repair themselves sometimes there is prolonged numbness, but headaches are nothing to do with it headaches occur inside the skull!


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I have heard Dr Rassman mention ongoing pain after a strip surgery due to damaged nerves he said this was very rare and could probably be corrected by removing the scar in another surgery


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I dont see how cutting out the scar (and therefore making a new one) and severing the nerves again is going to fix anything.


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LooseItAll said:
I honestly believe that the surgery is the cause. I have read about many horror butchered hair transplant stories and damaged nerves. It perfectly fits your case. The worst thing it that there is nothing that can be done TBH.

I hope that it is something else.

Since you have heard about many horror stories you will be able to mention a few of those here (with links); otherwise you are just frighten this person with no reason at all

By the way I see no reason why one scar may damage nerves and one other not, since they both cut the same area of skin (even if a bad scar may be not well closed, but this has nothing to do with the initial cut area).


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Yeah, that does kinda scare me, I must admit. Does whatever nerves that were damages in my surgery will repair themselves? My surgery was 2 yrs ago in it possible that I could have permananet damage?

I don't know what to think. My cat scan showed nothing abnormal so I keep coming back to this surgery because I never had these headache problems before this surgery, and now, 2 yrs later I still have slight head numbness in some spots and headaches everyday just about, all I know is I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown because I have a bad back that requires surgery at some point. I'm in pain 24/7 and having to deal with these headaches all the time on top of it, I'm just about at my limit.

I've already gone to a neurologist about this and the cat scan showed nothing abnormal. What other doctor can I go to about this? Would another hair restoration doctor be able to tell me if this first surgery was the cause of these headache problems I'm having?


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Yes, there are many good docs you ask about that. For example dr Ziering in California. He talked a lot in the past with me in phone; he can probably do the same with you. Call him and ask about that


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I'll have to look him up and try that. I talked via email to the lady that's kind of the go between I guess you can say between me and the dr that did my surgery and she says there's no way the headaches and the surgery are connected. She says that in 14 yrs of dealing with clients, I'd be the first person that she's ever seen that happen to.

I told her that I still want to talk to the Dr on the phone about the numbness that I still have in my head 2 yrs later and the headaches even tho she says theres no way they're connected, and she won't set up a time for me to talk to him on the phone, how surprising. She only gives me his email address, which he rarely replies to.

Has anyone whose had even a "bad" hair transplant had permanantely damaged nerves in their head? Like I said, I still have numbness in certain areas of my there anything I can do to fix this? I'm sure it probably doesn't have anything to do with my headaches, but it still sucks to have to deal with this as well.