Hello, i have a very pronounced widow's peak(the V at the hairline) which goes too low on the forehead(i am NW2.5). I prefer to shave 2 cm of the bootm of the "V", and give thge hairline a more round shape, it looks better. But the problem is, no matter how close i shave it,the area is visible and looks odd. How can i conceal that area, to make it look like bare skin?
Other ideas than skin-color concealers that women use? I tried it but i'm not too satisfied.
And, is there any mean to completely get rid of the hair there, if i decide? Maybe laser?
Other ideas than skin-color concealers that women use? I tried it but i'm not too satisfied.
And, is there any mean to completely get rid of the hair there, if i decide? Maybe laser?