Confirmed: Propecia will help you


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Okay, been a while since I was last here.

At 25- I had a perfect, square-shaped hairline and never, ever even thought about hairloss- it never popped into my mind, ever- not even when looking at bald guys.

26- My temples started to recede. I noticed it progress slowly.

27- More of a receded temple area- hairline was still fine.

28- Temples getting worse- hairline still okay.

29- Temples sort of stabilized- maybe getting worse, but at an incredibly slow rate.

At this time, I was watching my hair so close every day and worrying about it, thinking how long until this gets worse? So, I decided to just get on propecia (for a 2nd time) and stick with it this time. Went to the doctor- they give no hassles- spent one minute in his office and got the prescription- just like the first time. Expensive, though.

I'm almost done 3 months - and I have to CONFIRM, that Propecia is working.

My right temple has improved dramatically- it's returning to it's square-shape, with lots of new hairs growing in beneath my current hairline. When I life my hair to look at it, lots of new hair is popping up beneath my hands when I lift them up to my crown. Looking thicker, too.

My left temple was always worse- I noticed a gaping hole in the very corner before propecia (that's when I decided to go back on it)- that hole is almost gone now- the hair has grown back into it.

My hairline is much more solid now. The very middle is still somewhat of a problem, though- it's thinner in the very centre of my hairline, and is worse than it was years back- it's always been thin there, though, so it isn't concerning me yet. Only detectable when I have spray in it, or am in bright sunlight. And even then it looks normal. I have a larger point of hair there, like a widows peak- so I just shave it and my hairline looks normal and straight.

Overall- I haven't thought about my hair NEARLY as much as I was 3 months ago- I think about it literally once a week and am not worrying about it. I'm just satisfied with the fact that this stuff is actually working.

So to sum things up- guys, you NEED to get on this medication the minute you see hairloss- if you wait, wait and wait, then it gets worse, worse and worse, with a much less chance of growing it back. Propecia seems to work well if you get on it immediately- it works faster this way because it has less DHT to lower in your scalp.

I'm at an NW1 at worst right now- and the possibility is there that I could be a bad NW2 if I didn't start this medication- I'll never know though, because I'm going to stay on it.

Stop with all the shampoos, the sprays, the creams, this and that- it's all bogus and works only as cover-ups. Propecia actually REGROWS your hair as long as you get on it right away.

Hope that gives you guys some hope and good sound advice. Go get it now.


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i'm happy it's working for you. My only concern of jumping on propecia are the side effects. Did you get any?


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None. Maybe a little less sexual desire, but I'm 29, so it happens- I've been less desirable for a few years now anyways, so it has nothing to do with propecia.

Also, baby tits- but again, that's a result of working out for so many years, gaining alot of chest muscle, then stopping working out for the last 4 or 5 years- so the fat accumulates there. And again, I've had these little titties for more than the past 2.5 months on Propecia!!

I say side effects are baloney- most of them are due to either age or lifestyle.


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Rawbbie wrote:
I've been less desirable for a few years now anyways

You mean you feel less desire.


Senior Member
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No, he meant less desirable, as a result of his hairloss :p


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The majority of propecia's "side effects" are due to the neurotic nature of it's users. I'd say more than half of these "symptoms" are fabricated and solely due to the placebo effect. People see what they wanna see...


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Yup. Exactly my point. Same thing as looking in the mirror on Monday and you say "I'm losing my hair!!!" Then on Wednesday you look at it again and say, "Nah, what was I thinking? I have a full head of hair!!"

It's mind tricks. Like I said, side effects are due to age and lifestyle, not Propecia.


Experienced Member
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Good to here that you getting result at only 3 months. I been on it for 15 months and had good result too. Not at the point I want it to be but very happy to get result when I'm only at between NW1 and 2. Now, I'm only hoping that I maintain what I have for many years to come but that's time I have to wait.