Confused about CARBS ? What do you guys opine/use ?


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There is no doubt about the fact that Carbs provide the maximum energy required for lifting weights and some come from protiens.

So ofcourse its a good idea to have carns throughout the day before lifting weights ( I work out in the evening ). However I have been reading different opinions about taking carbs after working out.

Some say that carbs provide the required rebuilding energy along with protiens after a good workout.

While some places I read that once workout is over, Crabs are no longer required, protiens are sufficient. If you are working out in the evenings, the carbs taken after workout will simply be converted into fat while sleeping since no energy is required while sleeping.

Now which one is true, should we avoid carbs after working out or should we have lots of it.

I presently take Yogurt with about 33g or carb and past with about 75g of carb after working out. Hopefully I am doing the correct thing


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If you are trying to build yourself up both protein and carbs are important. Straight after a heavy workout the best thing to have is a protein shake and a peice of fruit followed by a quick nap. This will help your muscles to recover.


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A bunch of Adkins advocates go around posing like unbiased experts when they are just trying to sell the Adkins diet. They should identify themselves as so we know their motives. Many are the same big shots who were trying to sell it long ago before super fat Dr Adkins died.

Get 20% of your caleries from protein, 20% from non-saturated fats, and 60% from carbs. Eat all the fruit you want. Just get variety.

The Adkins diet is extremely unhealthy, according to FDA.