confused------is avodart a form of dutasteride??????

JJ Gittes

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Avodart is Glaxo's name brand for .5 mg of dutasteride.

I've been taking generic dutasteride for 2 months now. No regrowth yet, but my adult acne, which was especially troublesome during my last year of Propecia use (so much so that I was beginning to suspect that I had Rosacea), has cleared up entirely. My skin looks great. I'm 38, btw.

If anything, libido has been up.


Senior Member
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Hey JJ,

I have been following the progress of posters that are taking Avodart so keep us all informed. From what i have gathered most people have two big sheds and generally see regrowth, very good in the crown, after about 6/7 months... even better regrowth if taken with minoxidil.

Petchsky :D


Established Member
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thx guys, im going to try it, where can i get it? do you think it would work better than fluridil? currently im on minoxidil, msm, and nizoral. :D