confused ......No shedding, yet thinning?!!


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Hey guys.....i'm confused about my thinning. I've been on Propecia and Nizoral 2.5 months, and my hair has obviously gotten thinner. My scalp is showing easier in the light and my thinning in the back has gotten more obvious.

All this and yet i don't see my then 5-10 hairs on my hands when i shower, and on the pillow 10-15 hairs. Yet my hair feels obviously thinnner then before, and looks it too. What's up.

I know it's supposed to get worse before it gets better but, it seems that my hair is thinning rapidly without tons of shedding or anything. What's up?!!!!



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Do you see a difference in diamiter at the base of the hair shaft and the top?

Sometimes this stuff is in our heads,. a number of times I've woken up and thought my hair looks like sh*t, yet the next day it looks good.


Established Member
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i had the exact same thing. i shed at exactly the same time having been on finasteride but never saw hairs obviously dropping off. but it regrew a bit thicker later on. dont worry, its probably coming out in the shower. youre near the start of your treatment so sit tight.