confusing sheds...


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Okay, so I've been on Propecia for about 3 years now and had amazing results about 1 year into it. Everything was fantastic until about 6 months ago and I started to shed (for the first time, never noticed a shed before that) Now my hair is embarasingly thin all around.

I seem to be loosing baby-fine hairs mostly (with white bulbs at the end) but also some thick, strong looking hairs that don't even look like mine. I noticed however, that at the bulb, they are just as thin as the rest of the hairs, however they get thicker about 1/4 of an inch up and remain thick to the tip. Very strange.

Anyway, is it possible that Propecia loses its efficacy after a few years? Also, how long is a shed supposed to last? And, whats up with losing those thick, healthy looking hairs?



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First I need to know, whats your norwood. To tell you what I think is going on. You maybe going though a hair cycle and your at the end of it so you may be shedding more than what you normal go though. You need to up the dose from 1MG to 2MG by using Proscar instead. Which is cheaper than Propecia but comes in a higher dose. You can get it online. It's really hard b/c I know how your hair looks. Do you have any photos? You may want to go to the doctor and see whats going on. Thats all I can give you for now.


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I cant really classify myself on the norwood scale because I have no hairline changes. I guess I'm still a 1, however because my hair is so fine (and now its thinning all over) I would say that my vertex is noticable where the part is. I had a strong cowlick at the rear-left part of my scalp that no longer exists because of the thinning.

It seems like over the past month or so that the hair on the sides and back of my head have been coming out much easier than the top. After I wash my hair, I can pull really really hard on the hairs up top without getting any to fall out.

Still dont understand the loss of those strong dark looking hairs and why they are tiny at the bottom and get thicker along the "stalk".


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If you can still pull on the top and not lose much compared to when you pull on the bottom and sides, then I would guess that there is a good chance that this is just a normal shed from your regular cycle.


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That would make sense to me, because it matches what I've been reading about sheds. However, there is one big difference -

I'm going on month 6 since and things havent gotten better.

I don't think sheds are supposed to last that long.