Hey guys,
During my time suffering from side effects after finasteride i found some connections between the PFS and No Fap... As im writing here, i know, there will be a lot of critics on that theroy, but first my experience:
- Did 2 weeks of no fap (had after 10 days a very high libido). Then i fapped and did 2 weeks again
- after this month of on/off fapping i started finasteride for 4 days (1,25mg, stop cold turkey)
- During this time i fapped more and less, just because of controll reasons, had weak ED after 2 days, balls pain after 10 days till now (getting better, yes, this is finasteride solved)
- in fact, no fap People experience a increase in libido and after that often the so called flatline. For weeks, months and in special cases for years, where the Brain is rebooting. Effects are a numb penis, no libido, depression because of no fap, genital pains... Sounds very familiar, the difference is, that finasteride is forcing it!!!!!!!!! ( the people get there real libido back after the time, but not so high as the fake one maybe was)
- i completly agree that finasteride brings some side effects, but if we focus too much on this drug, we will be blind. We have to see the whole body as one system. Im also agree, that there might be a genetic problem in some cases!
For me its pretty clear, that daily fapping is an Addiction, i dont care if our sex society speaks about healthy behaviour. First No Fap and then finasteride gave me the eye for my Addiction. It brought me a depression, had a slight ED with real girls before caused by fapping/ p**rn abuse and finasteride brought everything out. Of course i had physical problems, but there is also a combined mental character. In my anxiety and other people aswell just say its finasteride, but in my opinion for real, this drug just face your Addiction. Especially for young men with a very high sex drive caused by the "p**rn/fap fake" libido.
This is just my theory. Like every drug, finasteride has strong sides! No Doubt, but i think there is more behind. I will go to a hormon replacement clinic in 3 weeks, just to get blood results.
For me now, abstaining from Fap and just swimming 2 Times a week (works against depression, like a middle dose of anti depressiva) gave me just a Big kick. First Time in my life i can do other things, just forget first the physical Sex, before i had a very low self esteem and confidence, like a lot of balding guys do! Perfect place for depression caused p**rn/daily fapping Addiction in Young years!
I respect the school medicine, but for me, i miss the mental component (very often more important). There is soo much that they dont know and i think these theorys actually a recommended. We will get it!
(p.s. had some very strong morning wood since days!)
During my time suffering from side effects after finasteride i found some connections between the PFS and No Fap... As im writing here, i know, there will be a lot of critics on that theroy, but first my experience:
- Did 2 weeks of no fap (had after 10 days a very high libido). Then i fapped and did 2 weeks again
- after this month of on/off fapping i started finasteride for 4 days (1,25mg, stop cold turkey)
- During this time i fapped more and less, just because of controll reasons, had weak ED after 2 days, balls pain after 10 days till now (getting better, yes, this is finasteride solved)
- in fact, no fap People experience a increase in libido and after that often the so called flatline. For weeks, months and in special cases for years, where the Brain is rebooting. Effects are a numb penis, no libido, depression because of no fap, genital pains... Sounds very familiar, the difference is, that finasteride is forcing it!!!!!!!!! ( the people get there real libido back after the time, but not so high as the fake one maybe was)
- i completly agree that finasteride brings some side effects, but if we focus too much on this drug, we will be blind. We have to see the whole body as one system. Im also agree, that there might be a genetic problem in some cases!
For me its pretty clear, that daily fapping is an Addiction, i dont care if our sex society speaks about healthy behaviour. First No Fap and then finasteride gave me the eye for my Addiction. It brought me a depression, had a slight ED with real girls before caused by fapping/ p**rn abuse and finasteride brought everything out. Of course i had physical problems, but there is also a combined mental character. In my anxiety and other people aswell just say its finasteride, but in my opinion for real, this drug just face your Addiction. Especially for young men with a very high sex drive caused by the "p**rn/fap fake" libido.
This is just my theory. Like every drug, finasteride has strong sides! No Doubt, but i think there is more behind. I will go to a hormon replacement clinic in 3 weeks, just to get blood results.
For me now, abstaining from Fap and just swimming 2 Times a week (works against depression, like a middle dose of anti depressiva) gave me just a Big kick. First Time in my life i can do other things, just forget first the physical Sex, before i had a very low self esteem and confidence, like a lot of balding guys do! Perfect place for depression caused p**rn/daily fapping Addiction in Young years!
I respect the school medicine, but for me, i miss the mental component (very often more important). There is soo much that they dont know and i think these theorys actually a recommended. We will get it!
(p.s. had some very strong morning wood since days!)