Considering a hair transplant


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What do you guys think? Pictures here:,FuhB0gA,b7HT5Y6,s4pfuoD,pFhGJNr,k5gjffD#0
That's my hair wet, slicked back so it shows my hairline well. Picture 5 shows it the best i think.

I'm just looking to have a decent hairline again. With this hairline i can't do **** in terms of styling. I don't want a justin bieber hairline, just something decent.
I'm pretty sure this is what they call a "mature hairline". My brother, who's 5 years older than me, has the exact same hairline as I do. We even compared hairline and it's exactly the same. We're also exactly the same height, so we probably have the same genes in terms of hair and height... I have no crown balding whatsoever, the density of my hair is still thick everywhere but the temples.

I've also been taking finasteride (fincar) and minoxidil once a day for about a year now, hasn't done **** in terms of regrowth on my temples, but my hairline has stayed exactly the same though. I also have no side effects whatsoever on the finasteride... Boners still strong as ever, never noticed anything out of whack.

If i did get a transplant, how many grafts do you think i'd require? I've already sent a couple of email consultations around, still waiting for replies.


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How old are you?


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I think your hair looks good for 25. Keep taking your meds. Regrowth is rare at the hairline with finasteride or minoxidil. No one would think there is anything wrong with your hair unless you encounter a Norwood spotter. I would hold off on a hair transplant for now as I don't think your situation is that bad. You would need about 1500 grafts for now. At 25, you need to go conservative. In 10 years from now you could be a little more aggressive if you can maintain for that long.


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How many times did I hear things like "you're too young to have a transplant" on the forums or even from surgeons before they saw what my hair looked like. He's 25 and like NW1,75 and I'm 23 and with 1000 hairs left diffusely in the NW5 area.

It's not the age that matters, it's your position on the Norwood scale. I think surgeons should stop restoring people who are less than NW4, whether they are on medication or not. Hair transplants should be for bald people, not people suffering from BDD or narcissism issues.

If my hairloss is stable and my family history does not suggest severe balding (only receded hairlines), why shouldn't i go for it? BTW, your assumption that only NW4+ should go for a hair transplant is wrong, anything worse than a NW3/4 and it will look like **** anyway so why do it (too sparse, no decent coverage etc), because you got a limited amount of grafts anyway and body hair transplants are somewhat unorthodox.

I don't remember exactly when this "maturing" of my hairline occurred, but when I look at pictures in the past (where i buzzed my hair on occasions even), it looks like I've had the same hairline i have now for at least the past 4 years. So my guess is my balding actually happened around the age of 19-21. And even then I didn't notice anything off about my hair (probably because the possibility of me going bald never even entered my mind). I jumped on finasteride and minoxidil preemptively a year ago, and had no shedding or regrowth or any effect from these meds. Still I'm taking them religiously every day because I'm afraid of what might happen if i stopped.