Here is a great study showing how powerful the nocebo phenomenon actually is. And they are even using Finasteride as a test drug: ... x/abstract
From what I’ve seen of the blood tests on propeciahelp, most of the hormone results come back normal? Testosterone is rarely, if ever, below the normal range. The main problem as I thought it was is that the people have developed an androgen intolerance. This is the reason that they do not respond to testosterone replacement therapy; their hormones are within normal range.
Everything you are mentioning, again, is circumstantial and anecdotal evidence. I've known dozens of people claiming the same things with different meds. Actually, I work with a woman that swears she has been permanently poisoned by diet code (aspartame). This doesn't mean it’s true; just because you know someone or multiple people that claim things don’t make it any more or less true. Look on the internet; you will find forums with over 20,000 members swearing up and down that aliens exist, and that they have been victims of abduction. There are even alien abduction help forums! We all know its bullshit, but these people believe it 100%, and they are so locked into their beliefs that nothing will ever change them.
Another thing is I can absolutely guarantee that the fear mongering tactics have tricked way more people into believing Finasteride has ruined their lives than it has actually ruined. I am 100% certain this to be the case; I have no evidence or proof, but I know it has. absolutely uses fear to convince people. It’s not the right way to go about helping people; it effectively manipulates peoples weaknesses, and keeps them depressed and convinced that they are the victim of an incurable disorder. It does it extremely convincingly too. Without a doubt, if anyone convinced themselves 100% that they would have permanent sexual dysfunction, they would experience the symptoms immediately and indefinitely.
I’ve been though bouts of extreme anxiety in my life. A natural body response is significant shrinkage of your package. Sometimes this lasted weeks on end for me. In these states, I was never able to get it up, and it had no sexual feeling or thoughts either. This was always coupled with brain fog, fatigue, weakness, depression, and a host of other symptoms that made me feel like sh*t. I experienced symptoms that are explained EXACTLY like people on propeciahelp do, for weeks on end, way before I ever touched finasteride. What’s particularly frustrating for me, as I genuinely want to help all these people, is that no one will even give this theory a second thought. I am always dismissed as yet another closed-minded idiot that’s telling them everything is in their head.
If everyone is so desperate to find a solution that they resort to self-medicating with hormones (which is the worst idea in the world) why not consider the possibility that something else is causing your problems?