Considering hair transplant - need advice


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I have been considering a hair transplant for the last year, and I`m now thinking that I either have to do something or just shave it totaly down. I`m not sure so I need an advice. I really want to keep my hair, and make it better, but I`m not sure if I`m an hair transplant candidate and exactly how much I need to do.

The only option for me is FUE, and this is what I`m thinking:
Strenghtening the hairline (lower the frontals - fill them- a bit, but not lower the hairline in front). And I also want to make the central head a bit more dense, but I`m not sure if its possible (dont want to shock the remaining hairs) with my hair. What do you guys think? I addition to this I have given it some thought to put some hair in the crown as well, since it`s starting to get a bit thin.

I`m now on Propecia, and have been on it for 9 months. I will continue this as long as I have hair.

My age is 27, turning 28 soon.

What do you think about this? How many grafts/hairs will I need, and what do you think of the result, and keeping the donor-area for maybe one more transplant in the future. I do have thick hair on the sides and in the back. The problem is the frontals and the center of the head - to the crown. Here I have diffuse thining.

Hoping for some good advice! In advance, many many thanks!!:)

I have put in some pictures. Hoping this will help...

I?ll try to add some more pics afterwards..


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Any other advice if I should go for an hair transplant or not? Many thanks for the link. I do have knowledge about the different kinds of medicines one can use. Have been on Propecia for 9 months. In addition to this I am using Fungoral shampoo every other/three day. Do yu have any good lotions for the scalp not to dry out?


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Any advice would be very much appreciated!:) I`m really uncertain about doing this. Part of me really want to do it, but I`m not sure if I`m the proper candidate or not. I have spoken with some "hairdoctors", but I would really appreciate some advice from you guys too. I`m thinking of filling and thickening the frontals, but also maybe put some hair in the areas where its`s starting to thin in the mid scalp as well. Do you think this is a good idea concerning my age, my hairloss and my donor-area (from what you can see)?

any advice would be greatly appreciated!!:):)

Have a nice day out there:)


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Thanks for the answer, finfighter!:) I dont want to lower the hairline to much. I just want to thicken the frontals first off, and maybe lower them 0,5-1 cm maximum - meaning filling in. The most important thing is to have a natural look. When it comes to the vertex I just want to fill in wherever I can cause it is starting to shine through some of the places.

Do you think it ok to do this due to my age and donor-area?

Hopefully there will be a cure for all of us some day!!:) I strongly believe that within the next 5 years there will be a cure of some kind on the market.


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finfighter said:
Letac said:
Thanks for the answer, finfighter!:) I dont want to lower the hairline to much. I just want to thicken the frontals first off, and maybe lower them 0,5-1 cm maximum - meaning filling in. The most important thing is to have a natural look. When it comes to the vertex I just want to fill in wherever I can cause it is starting to shine through some of the places.

Do you think it ok to do this due to my age and donor-area?

Hopefully there will be a cure for all of us some day!!:) I strongly believe that within the next 5 years there will be a cure of some kind on the market.

If your hair loss is stable then I think it would be fine.

I hear this "stable" word used alot. But whose hair loss is "stable"? Especially at age 28.
I'm 27 and I've been slowly balding for about 7 years .... at times so slow that I could barely detect whether I was still progressing or not.

But, sure enough, if I look at pictures from 7 years ago the difference is very noticeable.

My understanding is that male pattern baldness virtually always progresses down the norwood scale once it has started. Am I wrong?


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So the question is; is it a smart thing to do a transplant when u see my hairloss, my age and my donorarea? I have pretty much decided to go for a hair transplant, but I guess that I will never be totally sure if it`s a smart move or not. I am a bit worried that the hairloss suddenly should jump into high gear and just fall off.

My grandfather on my mothers side was pretty much bald, but then again my grandfather and all my relatives on my fathers side had lots of hair (talking thick hair!!). On my mothers side one uncle is bald, but the rest has a lot of hair. The thing is that my brother, who is eight years older than me, is balding. I can see he has a thin crown now, and the temples has receded, but he still has some coverage, but then again, he`s turning 36. Though, he has a really good donorarea. I can see some of the same pattern in the two of us, so I`m thinking that I will head for the same unless I do something.

I am now on Propecia (soon 10 months). Hopefully this will work. There`s something happening up there, but I`m not sure if it is new hairs that is making the scalp itch, or it is the hair shrinking. The thing is that it`s pretty much thick hair that`s falling out. Some thin hair, but mostly what I can see, healthy hair. Not to many, but some. Maybe 50-60 a day, but I dont really know. What do you guys think this can be? Propecia working, or male pattern baldness still going strong?