Considering minoxidil on hairline but worried about shed


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Hey guys so tell me what you think:

I've included some hairline pics as an attachment. I want to include Minoxidil to my regimen and use it on my hairline, but I've heard very bad stories about massive shedding periods associated with Minoxidil when used on the hairline, and also--they specifically state on the packaging not to use minoxidil on the hairline!!!

Why then do so many people use it and then wonder why they had such a horrible shedding experience?

Nonetheless I am desperate and would like to use the rogaine foam on my hair line if possible, but as you can see my hairline is already quite thin, and I fear that the shedding would absolutely destroy it and I would never get it back.

Has anyone here tried minoxidil on the hairline and what was your experience like? Judging from my pics, and evaluating your own case, do you think my hairline could survive it?

(Btw: I'm not sure how to post pics directly on this thread, which is why I included them as an attachment; do you have to post them online first?)

I am primarily a receder so this is why I am most curious...


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I am in quite a similar position to yourself. I have a hairline which is receding, but its going back in one peace as apposed to yours, having a slight widows peak.

I added minoxidil foam to my regime a month ago, solely to my hairline. The results havent made much of an impact iv had a slight loss but i try not to focus on it to much. My temples have lost a small amount of ground but i do see small black hairs creeping around there so its doing something (small).

I think you wont know how it will effect your hairline unless you give it a go. Your hair could stabalize or keep receding. Some people have great success with minoxidil on the hairline and temples so it could help.


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I have pretty much the same hairline as you and am considering what to do. Are you on finasteride? I'm not sure if the minoxidil will work only in conjunction with the finasteride or if it works perfectly fine on it's own.

maybe the best thing to do is to grab a 6 month supply and start applying it right at the edge where the hair is thin the most, then gradually apply it into your hairline depending how well you react to it.

The question is Foam or pure minoxidil? pure minoxidil is a heck of alot cheaper and I've heard foam can really dry the hair.


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I've been on 1.25mg of finasteride for almost 2 months now, and although both finasteride and Rogaine will work fine on their own, using them both at once you will of course see even better results.

I would like to mention however that neither of these products are designated to fight frontal baldness--isn't that swell? The most common form of male pattern baldness and there's really no treatment save for a hair transplant--and even that can't be used on the temple area but only higher on the hairline around the vertex.

I have bought a 6 month supply of Rogaine Foam and for now it's just sitting in my room as I consider risking my hairline in using it. I will say this though--the convenience is well worth the small extra price. I've used the liquid minoxidil before and it's a real mess, and takes hours to dry, leaving you with a wet patch of hair for hours. Just get the foam.


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No I haven't. Although I am considering it now more than ever, as 4 months in on my finasteride treatment, and my hairline is still receding pretty much unabated. I have only a little nub of temple hair left above my sideburns. It's getting pretty bad.

My three big problems with minoxidil foam:
1.) Shedding, as I've stated, although I would be willing to risk it now;
2.) The inevitable dependance of a minoxidil foam treatment. I don't feel like being totally stuck on minoxidil foam for the rest of my life, with only minimal results on the hairline at best. That's a huge commitment.
3.) Messy, time-consuming applications. I don't know about you guys, but my life schedule isn't routine enough to ensure 2 consistent, thorough applications per day. During weekends I might be out on the road for days at a time; just not realistic.
4.) It's not even officially designated for frontal hair loss!!! Probably won't even work on the hairline!!

Anyone have any similar thoughts, suggestions, comments, experiences with the Rogaine Foam? Am I alone when thinking that if your a guy with frontal hair-loss, you're totally f***ed? Tell me what you think.


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I understand that argument. If it were that simple I would have no hesitation using the minoxidil foam. Unfortunately however, I've heard a lot of shedding stories associated with minoxidil foam in which the thin vellus hairs along the hairline shed-out and then NEVER return. Obviously, I don't want that.

I think the biggest thing holding me back now though is the prospect of becoming a total slave to the minoxidil foam. People have to understand, once you start the minoxidil, you have to stay on it--indefinitely--if you don't want to lose everything you've gained. That means staying on the minoxidil for the rest of your life. Not a very appealing thought to me. Mighty unrealistic of me to think that if I'm at a party or a friend's house some night, that I could just easily stop whatever I'm doing, whip out the rogaine foam, and carefully apply it for a half hour. And then make sure it dries properly for another hour or two. While I look ridiculous with stiff sticky hair. Just not happening.

but What about Today

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ugh, its all rumors and plp being scared they hairline is not gonna comeback. If it scares you so much why not take the liqued then. Wth any treatment you gonna have to take it forever, unless u get a hair transplant. Even then u want your hair to be strongest it can be before the surgery. Take the stuff, and if your on finasteride let u kno finasteride shed is worst. Plus im sure if u been takeing it for months and years u can miss 2 weeks maybe even a month of application and u not gonna lose every single hair, hair has to go through a fall out stage to be signicantly gone and not there.

Stop being a baby and buy the freakin foam!

but What about Today

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but just to scare you alittle bit, they say the the alcohol in rogain can irritate the skin and cause some hairloss, not permanent tho but still nonetheless. idk if that's true or not but some want to get it without it.
I'm looking into spectral dnc-l which I think has a good delivery system.


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Do what I'm doing: I only apply a small amount of foam (like 1/8 of a cap full, maybe less) once a day to my BALD temples and a tiny bit up into the hairline. I have a 3 month supply but with what little I'm using the 3 cans will probably last a year or more.

I'm going to do this until I run out, or until 1 year passes, and if I haven't regrown any hair at all on my bald temples, I still stop using it and be no worse for the wear.

The way I see it - it's worth trying to regrow your temples with minoxidil, but probably not worth applying it deep into your hairline. Let finasteride take care of thin hair where there already IS hair.......let minoxidil grow new hair on bald areas.


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That is exactly what I'm doing for the past 1.5 months. Makes sense for me too as I would get sides from minoxidil (including flaking/dandruff).

minoxidil only along hairline, no problems so far. No shed yet, but thats because finasteride has almost stopped the constant shedding I experienced for 1.2 years.


minoxidil is a allways shedding Drug
makes a Watterface -Heart Problems and Blue Eyerings

more side effects as 100mg finasteride

finasteride is the best



Established Member
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Timi said:
minoxidil is a allways shedding Drug
makes a Watterface -Heart Problems and Blue Eyerings

more side effects as 100mg finasteride

finasteride is the best

Are you sure you weren't drinking the minoxidil Timmy? You talk about it as if it nearly killed you.


You talk about it as if it nearly killed you.

yes minoxidil nearly killed me
after 2Years on this sh*t Betablocker
and Problems with my Lungs i become bad air

and minoxidil was bad for my Hairs
