Considering starting CPA 25mg a day and Estrogel


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Hi guys just turned 20 currently on finasteride for a year+ and dutasteride 1mg for 9 months and ru58841 for 3 months. Results are mid I would like to fill in my hairline (NW2) and get back my temples. Ordering CPA tomorrow and will keep this thread updated. Going to freeze sperm before too, and if all goes well I will discontinue treatment after a year and go back to my current stack to maintain. Also I am on a second round of accutane 60nmg ( I know its trash for hair yh yh) but I will probably stop in like 3 months (self treating). Aight thanks for reading if you did and if you have any warnings/precautions or alternatives please let me know, I know CPA sides and gyno but if it gets bad ill just stop for a month or two. :p


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Boxxy has always been trash and turned into a progressivist landwhale.