Considering taking a break from Avodart?


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Hello team,
I am considering a break from Avodart after 6 years.
I had a small but successful FUE transplant in 2013 followed by propecia (lots of shedding) then Avodart since 2015 which has really helped stabilise my hair.
Little to no side effects but recently started experiencing fluid retention due to a combination of age, genetics and sedentary work during lockdowns.
Considering taking a break from Avodart in the near future to reset.

Has anyone taken a break from Avodart or given it up altogether?
How long were you away from it? How much shedding did you experience and how long after quitting?
What was it like going back to it after the break?

Any pointers welcome. Thanks.


Established Member
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You will start to notice a massive shed and severe thinning of hairs in about 3-4 months after you stop. Unless you’re having fertility issues you’re probably better off decreasing your frequency


Established Member
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Why not gradually taper off and go on finasteride instead?

I tried that (just recently) and it’s not as pleasant as everyone touts it to be
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