constant shed


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I have been on propecia for almost 4 months and I have been constantly shedding. A lot of people say they experience periods of shedding then it stops, well my shedding has been constant since around the second week of me getting on propecia. Every time I put my hands in my hair I am guaranteed to lose 20+ hairs. Is there anyone out there who has had this similar problem? If so did the shedding ever stop and did you ever see any re growth? Please someone give me some hope!



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Starting month nine on propecia ....still shedding like crazy. I am starting to think that I am a non-responder. My crown has been destroyed over the last month. The only change in my regimen was the addition of propecia. Over these 9 months I have lost more hair than I did in the past 3 years combined. Don't know if it was Porpecia accelerating the loss or my male pattern baldness going nuts, but in any case I ended up on the losing end. Most people I know who respond well to Propecia notice shedding come to a stop very early in the game. Read some old posts and you will find Propecia responders say things like "shedding has dramatically gone down" and "hairs don't come out in the shower". Most people on this forum will tell you to wait 1 year or at least 6 months. Personally I think to work well finasteride should at least start to slow down the rate of shedding in the first few months.


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Guys are you shedding on the sides and back too? I am just over three months on propecia and it is up and down. Had a heavy on 2.5 months then today well over a hundred fell out when I rubbed top and sides. I am confused amybe Telogen Effluvium and male pattern baldness together I dont know what to do? On good days I lose 10-15!


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hello there...i'm into the 4th mth of propecia. 2 more weeks to go. my shedding was worse in mth 2. lose as much as before i started taking propecia. though in the first mth my hair fall is greatly reduced. my shedding start on week 2 of propecia.

now, though i'm still shedding. i can see that my hairfall is reduced as i used to see about 50-60 hairs when i applied minoxidil. but its reduced now to 10-20. i guess propecia really works...jus give it a year to see propecia is for you.


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thanks for the feedback. I am with you on this vipergts, I dont want to lose my hair completely. I am thinking if I am still shedding like crazy after the 7th month I may give up on propecia.
I'm mostly only shedding on the top of my head, but I occasionally do have a few hairs fall out on the sides.


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Also, I should mention before I got on propecia I could run my hands through my hair and I would only lose anywhere from 0 to 5 hairs. I was a little thin in the front, but nothing serious. Propecia has definitely accelerated the process for me.