I would monitor it close.
I had some minor things prior to getting bad sides which Im still dealing with.
It sucks cause if you go to the Doctor they will just say its normal for some odd reason cause most dont know a lot about finasteride. I would just google finasteride and nipples and see what comes up.
Or stop using the finasteride a bit and see if it goes back to normal, but it could take a while since that stuff basically alters your hormones.
Get your testosterone and DHT checked.
MY testosterone dropped by 2/3 cause of the finasteride. At my lowest point at worst sides I was 250 T levels. Im back up to almost 700 now but i think my damage is far from fixed. Im going to go get checked again in a couple weeks.
I keep saying finasteride to some people is the same as roids when your T levels get to high. I think the extra free roaming T from not converting was to much to handle since my body was pretty high t.
Could try lowering the dose BUT GO GET BLOOD WORK.