Continued Natural Hair Loss After A Hairline Fue


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Hi all

Happy to be on the forum.

So I’m one of the guys who had a hair transplant too early and is still suffering from my natural hair loss. I had the hair transplant to improve my hairline done just shy of three years ago in August 2016 at the age of 23. My hair loss has continued since and am now facing increasingly thin hair behind my hairline.
My hairstyle (combed back and across from sides) somewhat covers my natural hair loss but as time goes by it’s getting harder (and more frustrating) to keep up and hide.

My question

Aimed at the guys who have been/are in my position. Have you shaved your head? How does it look? Is it clear where you’ve had transplanted hairs to where you haven’t? Any other input appreciated.

Hair loss has dominated my mental health for over 7 years, and I need to move on with my life once and for all before it consumes me more.

Best regards,


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Are you on anti-androgens?
If not, you should consider it until 'state of the art' treatments are available.