continuous shedding?

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has anyone here shed continuously, and noticably thinned since starting or before starting finasteride all the way through to the present, as in not going through a shedding cycle, just a constant state of shedding. how long would you think one could experience this before it would be considered an abnormal reaction? would you have to wait it out the whole 12 months to conclude this, just like if you weren't shedding or shedding normally?
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Cassin, thanks for the reply and the link. Alot of info there, and answers some questions, but raises a ton more for me. I guess i think it's a finasteride induced shed in part due to just the sheer volume, it wasn't near that much before finasteride. Also from what i read it shares the same characteristics as a finasteride shed, as i lose hair from the back and sides equally as much as the front, but the front is what has thinned greatly. i guess i just wonder if finasteride has exascerbated the process. I also have oil,acne on my face since finasteride and increase body hair, so i have suspected reflex hyper androgenicity. Either way whether it's reflex hyper, or rapid male pattern baldness process things don't appear to look good.

The shedder

Established Member
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yea curbed my enthusiasm I am in the same boat as you. I'm approaching month 12 soon and my sides back and front are shot to sh*t. I haven't had a noticable shed in a while just lots of loss. If I wanted to i could run my hand along the back of my head and easily get 3 or 4 hairs with reckless abandon all day. The minoxidil on the temples have helped a little but both my temples have receeded and thinned to a norwood 2.5-3. Its funny because I kept on finasteride even though i still have wattery jizz and feel tired all day because I thought side effects would lead to results in some retarded rationale. I don't know whats next for me, I think I'm going to ditch proscar and go to avodart. Or I might just go with minoxidil. <sigh> I don't know, anyway good luck man give it a try you just may be a late responder, as I am hoping.