Copper peptides...good choice?


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My hair is shedding like crazy as it has been the last 3 or 4 months. I mean as in bath is full of hairs, hairs fall out constantly, all over my hands. If i gently tug at the hair it all comes out in my fingers, its just like there is nothing holding them onto my scalp at all.

Basically you can already see the N7 coming, the hair on top very thin and limp with patchy places.

I'm not doing anything about it at the mo except using nizoral, I cant use finasteride (for sexual reasons), no way I want to start on min after a year deliberating. So I figure my only real options are either topical spironolactone or cu peptides. Again with spironolactone I read about shedding on it plus lack of sex drive (if finasteride affected mys ex drive then theres every chance spironolactone will).

So I was deciding to give cu peptides a go. Anyway, my questions...

Do copper peptides cause shedding?

If I descontinue use for any reason will I get a shed?

What cu peptide is best? I know theres folligen and also heard people using American Crew copper peptides

Thanks guys


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I couldn't live without them. As with anything, you pretty much become dependant on them after a given time.So you must be very careful on adding stuff.

Some guys have recently claimed they have shedded hairs with Cu's but it is the very first I have personaly every read about it. I am not saying they are wrong, but it regardless, it seems rare.


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First off.....Topical spironolactone will most likely NOT give you side effects...Oral spironolactone is probably what you've heard of producing bad side effects.

My opinion is...anything that can regrow hair can possibly cause a shed. So I think there is a possibility that Cu Pep and spironolactone may casue one.

Why are you so against using minoxidil? is it because of the shed thing?
This is probably your best weapon. At least it's the one with the most data backing it.


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I am against min for a number of reasons:

1) Don't want the hassle of applying it every night
2) Cannot apply it every night due to reasons such as staying round the gf's (I am 21, NO WAY I am gona tell her about it)
4)my hair is fucked, it literally falls out rubbing my hand over it, if its that sensitive I can just see all my hair falling out putting chemicals over it
5)Its a life-long thing
6) If i find it doesnt seem to be working and want to stop, then I am in for an even bigger shed

I basically don't like the idea that once you start you can't stop without the risk of losing your hair

Who knows, once I am a proper norwood 7 (easily within the year) then I may think about it when sheds arent going to affect me.

I read in a post a little bit down the line that someone using topical spironolactone had sexual side effects

The Gardener

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pharoh said:
I basically don't like the idea that once you start you can't stop without the risk of losing your hair

This can be said about any hairloss treatment... but I do know what you mean, the shed from quitting minoxidil is apparently much more dramatic than from finasteride.

Nevertheless, given your situation minoxidil is probably the best tool for the job. If you are worried about being discreet with your minoxidil usage, then perhaps you should give Dr Lee's minoxidil a try. It's a bit more expensive, but it is very easy to apply and doesn't give you slimehead.

If you are dead set against minoxidil, then perhaps go with the nizoral/spironolactone 2/Copper Peptides regimen. Probably the best you can do given your situation. Don't wait for your hair to stop shedding before starting spironolactone, start it NOW. The shed hairs are a sign that new hairs are growing in their place in the same follicles. Whether or not those new hairs come out as thick, normal hairs or thin vellous hairs (i.e., the little invisible hairs that grow on a bald patch) might be affected by starting treatment in an expeditious manner. And while you are getting your spironolactone from Dr Lee, I would suggest just picking up ONE bottle of his minoxidil along with your order. Just try it. His stuff is really not hard at all to fold into a daily routine.


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funnily enough i actually ordered a 4 month supply of kirkland minoxidil from the US a good while back when I was planning to try it...but I was out when it was delivered, and was given 25 days to pick it up before it was sent back. I never bothered going to pick it up since I wasn't keen on the idea anyway, especially since this was around the time I met my new gf

I really want to be on finasteride again, the only side effect I had was sexual, I even felt at one point it was helping my hair in that a patch on top of my head which was thinning more than the rest filled in and looked like the rest of my head (incidently, this thinning patch is now back with this shedding and worse than ever).

Only way I would start it again is if I could do something about my sex drive (which still isn't as it should be even though I have been off finasteride for months). You know, I have seriously thought about breaking up with her just so I can be on finasteride hassle free - thats how seriously my hair loss affects me mentally, its fucked up.

Yeh I do plan to start cu peps of spironolactone asap (or atleast seriously thinking abou it) - I know that everything carries a shedding possibility, but youre right, it does always seem all the more worse on min.


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pharoh said:
I am against min for a number of reasons:

pharoh said:
1) Don't want the hassle of applying it every night

You're going to have to do this with any topical

pharoh said:
2) Cannot apply it every night due to reasons such as staying round the gf's (I am 21, NO WAY I am gona tell her about it)
See answer to #1
pharoh said:
again this is possible with any treatment
pharoh said:
4)my hair is fucked, it literally falls out rubbing my hand over it, if its that sensitive I can just see all my hair falling out putting chemicals over it
so you've just ruled out all topicals

pharoh said:
5)Its a life-long thing
any hairloss regimen is
pharoh said:
6) If i find it doesnt seem to be working and want to stop, then I am in for an even bigger shed
if it's not working you won't shed when you discontinue use

pharoh said:
I basically don't like the idea that once you start you can't stop without the risk of losing your hair
again this is true with any hairloss regimen

pharoh said:
Who knows, once I am a proper norwood 7 (easily within the year) then I may think about it when sheds arent going to affect me.
when you reach a 7 don't even bother with a hairloss regimen

pharoh said:
I read in a post a little bit down the line that someone using topical spironolactone had sexual side effects
So one person claims that and that's going to scare you off.....
Ya gotta let go of this paranoid attitude my friend.


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pharoh said:
I am against min for a number of reasons:

2) Cannot apply it every night due to reasons such as staying round the gf's (I am 21, NO WAY I am gona tell her about it)
Dude, I thought the same thing, and it took me a long time to tell her, but after I did she respected me big time for being so open and not hiding problems. It actully made my relationsip stronger! I thought she wasn't going to like me anymore, but she thinks I'm a fool for even caring about it!


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well thanks for picking holes in everything BHDecade :lol:

minoxidil needs to be applied twice a day, and everyone always drums it into you that it HAS to be used everyday without fail to see results.

As far as I know a spray like folligen can be used a few times a week, same as I have seen nothing saying you have to use spironolactone every day without fail.

Anyway, I aint going to get an argument about it, thats your view and I have my views on the matter. Think I'm going to go with some Cu peptides to try make my scalp healthier for what hair I have left

And thanks HPower - I had been thinking about just taking a very lowered dose of finasteride since I know side-effects should be lowered but I'm waiting doing this for two reason:
1)I want to start having a proper sexual relationship with my gf first before I start anything (haven't seen her for a while due to uni hols), and
2)I have no idea how the hell I am going to cut a proscar pill into 0.25mg doses, I have a hard enough time cutting the bastard into 5ths for 1mg doses!

thanks for the replies guys


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I wasn't trying to pick holes, just trying to make a point.....If you want to combat hairloss you have to make a commitment. I'd hate to see you set yourself up for more disappointment in the future.

BTW spironolactone like any other treatment DOES have to be used everyday (preferably twice) if you expect any kind or results.

How long (continuously) were you on finasteride? A lot of people say the side effects go away after a few months. My libido see-sawed for about 5-6 months then stabilized.


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I was on it continuosly for 3 months. Thing is the sexual side effects weren't that noticeable at the time, its not like suddenly a few days after starting I lost my sex drive, it must have been a very gradual thing because I didn't really notice, however I wasnt in a sexual relationship at the time. It was only when I stopped due to running out and my sex drive suddenly returning that I realised the effects.

Anyway, still deciding about cu peps or spironolactone, I'm thinking I will give folligen spray a go a few times a week, it doesn't sound like too much hassle. Beleive me if I was 30 or older and working I would be more than happy making a commitment to fighting hairloss, but christ I'm only godamn 21 years old. I was fine with popping a pill ever morning thats no hassle, but anything else I can't be doing with while I'm at uni and out and about all the time.

You know there is nothing I wouldn't give to have started balding in my late 20's or 30's, absolutely nothing, you guys have no idea how lucky you are. I've only been balding 3 years or so and nearly a N7 :(


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mine started when I was 23. 10 years ago....Now that I look back, it was pretty hard to keep a regimen (back then it was minoxidil by prescription only)going being so young with limited cash. I never stuck with it for too long either.

good luck my friend
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I use the folligen spray. It's not a big hassel at all. But the first few weeks it's gonna itch like hell. Supposedly it hurts scalps that are damaged. The irritation goes away in a few weeks as the pepptides heal your scalp.


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Pharoh I dunno all seems silly to me. I mean obviously your gf knows your balding if everytime she touches your head hairs fall out, and I imagine it's quite visable now. So why would she care if you're doing something to treat it. I don't live with anyone, but if I was living with a gf I'd simply say I put in a solution at night to keep my hair strong, and that's it. Big Whoop.

And btw, if you're not willing to do use these products, and you are turning into a Norwood 7 it seriously is time to shave your head. A lot of girls like guys in their 20's with shaved heads. No girls like guys who look like George Castanza in their 20's. Join a gym and get in shape, you'll still look good.

On Dr.Phil today there was a guy who had a hot wife. He was fit, dressed nice, well trimmed....and bald. He looked good. I think a goatee or some facial hair helps btw. Although his problem was he was having sex with guys outside the marriage....but that's another discussion.


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Lol Whammy :lol:

I'm talking about everytime I touch my hair it falls out, my gf generally doesn't touch my hair. I am sure she has noticed I am losing my hair, luckily the fact that I still have some hair on top means atleast for the moment its a case of "losing hair" as opposed to "bald".

Who knows I might tell her some point, but I don't feel comfortable telling her right now. You have to remember at my age (I'm 21) and at uni, girls are generally mostly interested in looks, and thats a fact. They want a guy who looks nice who they can show off to their friends. Of course when youa re in your 30's not only is hair loss more acceptable, but women are not as interested in looks, but also interested in personality, looking for someone they can have a serious realtionship with and perhaps settle down with.

And with your other point, I do already shave my head. Not wet shave, but a #2 buzz (think thats 6mm) so it is already short. Hell I wouldn't mind cutting it shorter if it wasn't for the fact I got a fucked up shaped head, its pointy at the top. I mean hell, what ar the chances hey, unlucky enough to be balding AND have a fucked up head shape which looks stupid :freaked2:

I do work out, unfortunately I find it VERY hard to put on weight, I have always been the same, I just have a nigh matabolism, although I am giving if my best shot

The Dude

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yep, I've heard your hormones will stabilize after a few months on finasteride and the side effects generally go away or diminish greatly.

For what it's worth, my biggest hair loss regret is that I didn't look into finesteride earlier. It actually prevents the damage to the follicles that causes hairloss. minoxidil works great, but as you know it doesn't stop the underlying process like finasteride. Copper peptides are also supposed to help reverse the damage done to the follicle by DHT. Nizoral may also help by preventing damage done to the follicles by inflammation. Plus it feels great.